Intern (PSOD/PSTS) - 2402-014

Job Vacancy | Monday, January 15, 2024


1. Internship Topic

Research on Systemic change and market effects through private sector operations (PSO)

2. Summary of Job Description

▪Review PSO project documents sample and develop a research plan

▪Conduct analysis of relevance of PSO to ADB country partnership strategy and complementary with sovereign operations

▪Conduct analysis of contribution towards systemic market changes as the result of ADB operations

▪Draw lessons learned on PSO project design and contribution to market change

3. Period of Assignment

Duration:8 Weeks

Timing: July 2024 onwards

4. Location

ADB HQ, Manila, Philippines

5. Expected Outcomes

-Research plan

-Brief paper on findings and lessons learned

-Final presentation

The research findings will provide valuable input into NOM PSD Shift formulation discussion as well as inform the design of impactful projects that are likely to yield systemic market change effects. Lessons learned will be used to develop knowledge products to be disseminated within PSOD and to relevant ADB departments. Findings of the research may also necessitate adjustments to Ex-ante Framework assessment criteria.


6. Education Requirements

-Masters or PhD in Development Finance/Development impact. Candidate must be currently enrolled.

7. Other Requirements

Upload the following documents in the “Attachments” section of your application:

•Curriculum vitae (CV)

•Proof of enrollment to a Masters or PhD program. Inclusive dates should confirm that you will be enrolled during the intended period of assignment.