Development Effectiveness and Results

ADB focuses on results management in its operations, improving the capacities of its developing member countries, and contributing to the global agenda on development effectiveness.

ADB Results Framework

ADB introduced its first Corporate Results Framework (CRF) aligned with its long-term strategic framework, Strategy 2020. Since then, ADB has periodically revised the CRF to ensure its continued relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness as a performance management tool. The current CRF, covering 2019–2024, was approved in 2019 to align with ADB’s Strategy 2030. Like its predecessors, it assesses overall development progress in Asia and the Pacific and ADB’s effectiveness in delivering development results.


The Strategy 2030-aligned results framework contains 60 indicators arranged in a two-section, four-level structure as follows:

  • Section I, consisting of level 1, tracks the collective regional development progress made by ADB’s developing member countries throughout Asia and the Pacific. These indicators are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Section II, consisting of levels 2, 3, and 4, measures ADB's performance in executing Strategy 2030 to maximize its development effectiveness. Level 2 focuses on the results of ADB operations that supported the seven Strategy 2030 operational priorities. Level 3 tracks ADB's performance in selecting, designing, financing, and implementing operations. Level 4 examines ADB’s performance in managing the internal resources and processes that support its operations.

The CRF indicators are complemented by 156 tracking indicators that enable ADB to monitor progress using a wider set of information.

ADB’s Results Framework

Results of ADB-Supported Operations, 2022

Results achieved are aggregate amounts of contributions to the 7 Operational Priorities of ADB's Strategy 2030 from operations reported in project completion reports, technical assistance completion reports, and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.

Operational Priority 1

Operational Priority 1: Addressing Remaining Poverty and Reducing Inequalities

Operational Priority 2

Operational Priority 2: Accelerating Progress in Gender Equality

Operational Priority 3

Operational Priority 3: Tackling Climate Change, Building Climate and Disaster Resilience, and Enhancing Environmental Sustainability

Operational Priority 4

Operational Priority 4: Making Cities More Livable

Operational Priority 5

Operational Priority 5: Promoting Rural Development and Food Security

Operational Priority 6

Operational Priority 6: Strengthening Governance and Institutional Capacity

Operational Priority 7

Operational Priority 7: Fostering Regional Cooperation and Integration

Download Results by Country

Central and West Asia
East Asia
South Asia
Southeast Asia
The Pacific