Asian Development Fund (ADF)
ADF provides grants to ADB's lower-income developing member countries. Established in 1974, the ADF initially provided loans on concessional terms. Activities supported by the ADF promote poverty reduction and improvements in the quality of life in the poorer countries of the Asia and Pacific region.
Donors have agreed to a replenishment in excess of $4 billion for the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Asian Development Fund (ADF) 13 and Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF) 7, for the 4-year period from 2021 to 2024. The total size of the replenishment represents a 7% increase in comparison to the previous replenishment, which covered the 2017-2020 period. Total resources are allocated between ADF 13 and TASF 7: about $3.5 billion and about $0.5 billion, respectively.
ADF 13 will be the first ADF to support implementation of ADB’s corporate strategy—Strategy 2030—during its full cycle and will fund key agendas in eligible countries, which include a majority of FCAS, such as Afghanistan, and SIDS. For the first time, ADF will include a thematic sub-window to incentivize governments to consider ambitious projects significantly supporting regional cooperation and integration; regional public goods such as regional health security, disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation; and SDG 5’s transformative gender agenda.
Other priority areas targeted in ADF 13 include quality infrastructure in line with the G20’s principles, strong governance, development of private sector operations, and debt sustainability through the implementation of the Sustainable Development Finance Policy, in close coordination with the International Development Association (IDA) and the International Monetary Fund, which will also improve debt transparency. All of these special areas become even more relevant in the context of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
TASF 7 will continue to support capacity building, policy advice, and knowledge production and will have an increased focus on how to help ADF and concessional lending countries strengthen debt sustainability.
The ADF 13 Donors' Report: Tackling the Covid-19 Pandemic and Building a Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery in Line with Strategy 2030 summarizes the outcome of the ADF 13 replenishment negotiations between Asian Development Bank (ADB) Management and ADF donors and presents the agreed policy and financing frameworks for the period covering 2021–2024.
ADB has completed the replenishment meetings with ADF donors and representatives of recipient DMCs. The meetings were chaired by Mr. Mike Callaghan, former international executive director of the Australian Treasury. The discussions focused on the strategic directions and proposed framework for the ADF.
A pledging meeting was held on the sidelines of the 53rd Annual Meeting held virtually on 16 September to conclude the negotiations.
Strategy, Policy and Partnerships Department (SPD)
Asian Development Bank
6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550
Metro Manila, Philippines