Antikorupsi dan Integritas

Kantor ADB untuk Anti-korupsi dan Integritas (Office of Anticorruption and Integrity, OAI) menghimbau masyarakat untuk waspada atas upaya penipuan yang mengatasnamakan ADB, pegawai ADB, atau alamat kantor ADB.

Waspadai penipuan yang mengatasnamakan ADB

Kantor ADB untuk Anti-korupsi dan Integritas (Office of Anticorruption and Integrity, OAI) menghimbau masyarakat untuk waspada atas upaya penipuan yang mengatasnamakan ADB, pegawai ADB, atau alamat kantor ADB.

Yang perlu Anda ketahui mengenai informasi dari ADB

Mohon diingat bahwa:

ADB tidak mengirimkan pesan resmi melalui alamat email selain dari yang berakhiran “”. Bisa jadi pengirim email dari alamat email yang lain tersebut berpura-pura mewakili pihak yang terpercaya. Bila memungkinkan, silakan berkonsultasi dengan penyedia layanan email bila ada keraguan terhadap email yang nampaknya berasal dari

Misalnya, pesan-pesan yang mengaku berasal dari ADB atau individu yang terafiliasi oleh ADB, namun dikirimkan dari alamat-alamat berakhiran berikut, bukanlah pesan yang berasal dari ADB:

ADB tidak meminta uang (baik berupa biaya transaksi, biaya administrasi, biaya valas, dsb.), data pribadi atau rekening bank pribadi untuk keperluan pinjaman, hadiah, pekerjaan di ADB, atau pun bantuan COVID-19.

Seluruh pesan yang dikirimkan ADB tentang proyek atau pekerjaan ADB pasti tercantum di laman web berikut: /countries/main atau: /projects.

ADB tidak mengelola media sosial atau grup diskusi virtual yang tidak terdaftar dalam

ADB tidak mengizinkan penggunaan alamat kantor kami untuk segala bentuk komunikasi yang tidak terkait dengan ADB.

Beberapa contoh organisasi, orang, proyek, dan kantor yang tidak terkait dengan ADB, antara lain:

  • ADB Offshore Bank
  • Asian Development Finance Authority
  • Mohammad Zubair Hossain
    Nomor paspor: B*****664, Tanggal lahir: 1 Januari 1976
  • Jacky Polo International Ltd.
  • Michael Maynard De Grano Trinidad
  • Mr. Saleb Ahsan
    Lokasi: Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Nomor telepon: 01711-595140; 01979-546630; 01533-195808; and 01977 – 595140
    Nomor rekening: South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank Ltd; Nama akun: SA Saleb Ahsan; Nomor akun: 0002120010351
  • Vivek Singh
    Lokasi: New Delhi, India
    Nomor telepon: 1126870945
  • Mr. Wilson Logan
    Nomor telepon: +16132093139
  • Ms. Jennifer Collee
  • Mr. Mohammad Rahman
  • Mr. Keith Krach
  • Departemen Kepatuhan, NIAP Asia Tenggara
  • NIAP Southeast Asia
    Asian Development Bank, {ADB} London.
    No#46 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf,
    London, E14 8RS, United Kingdom
    Tel/Fax: +44-(0)-700-604-5412
  • Paul Christopher
  • Mr. Stephen Hokiwasi (alias Stephen Wasi, Steven Hoki Wasi, Stepano Hoki)
    Email: [email protected]
  • “Local Investors/Infrastructure Development Project” atau “Infrastructures Funding” (Solomon Islands)
  • “Infrastructures Funding Taskforce” (Solomon Islands)
  • Laman Facebook Asia Development Bank
  • Laman Facebook Bank Asia
  • “Nathaniel”; +66 65 402 0418
    Accounts: BDO 005200356602; GCash 09265920912
  • Muhammed Nasir Sattu
  • Zahir Joya Sao
    Nomor telepon: +93 70 743 7766
  • Survei yang dilakukan oleh Economic Stimulus Package Project di Kepulauan Solomon
    Nomor telepon: +6777615276
  • Laman Facebook PT ASIAN Development BANK Loan Service
  • Laman Facebook Pt.asian development bank – Indonesia…
  • Laman Facebook PT Asian Development Bank ADB
  • Laman Facebook Asiandevelopmentbank Japanscholarshipprogram
  • Laman Facebook Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program
  • 0967 790 2994
  • +675 76183161, Papua Nugini
  • Surat Ketetapan Keputusan Waktu Penyaluran Dana Hibah Asean Development Bank
  • Segala dokumen yang menuliskan Asean Development Bank
  • Surat Ketetapan Keputusan Berita Penundaan Penyaluran Dana Asian Development Bank
  • Surat tentang (Instruksi) Sosialisasi Penjelasan Sumber Anggaran Program Dana Hibah Terencana ADB Berkelanjutan
  • Segala hal yang merujuk pada Surat Perintah Membayar (SPM) yang membawa nama ADB
  • Dokumen dengan kop surat Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia-ADB-BI

ADB tidak terasosiasi dengan pihak-pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas upaya penipuan ini.

Lihat contoh

Updated as of 23 March 2022

Bagaimana menanggapi pesan yang mencurigakan

Bila Anda menerima pesan seperti yang disebutkan di atas, abaikan pesan tersebut dan perlakukan sebagai informasi yang disalahgunakan (spam). Selalu waspada terhadap permintaan transfer dana, apalagi yang harus dilakukan dengan segera. Jangan sekali-kali mengirimkan data pribadi, data bank, atau melakukan pembayaran apa pun ke pengirim pesan. Jangan buka tautan atau dokumen yang dikirim bersama email di atas. Pastikan untuk mengecek kebenaran logo, nama, dan nama domain email.

Bila Anda merasa telah menjadi korban atau sasaran dari pelaku penipuan, silakan hubungi penegak hukum setempat.


6 June 2022Public notice: Attempt to locate firms and individuals
ADB's Office of Anticorruption and Integrity is attempting to contact certain firms and individuals for delivery of correspondence.

27 May 2022ADB cross debars firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred the NiemTin Company Limited after it was debarred by the World Bank for fraudulent practice. NiemTin Company Limited is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

4 May 2022ADB cross debars firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred the Centre for Training and Consultancy after it was debarred by the World Bank for fraudulent practice. Centre for Training and Consultancy is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

3 May 2022ADB cross debars firms sanctioned by the Inter-American Development Bank 
ADB cross debarred OAS Energy GmbH and OAS International Engineering GmbH after they were debarred by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for being affiliates of Construtora COESA S.A., a Brazilian firm sanctioned by IDB for collusive and corrupt practices. OAS Energy GmbH and OAS International Engineering GmbH are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

29 April 2022ADB cross debars firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Supper Fortuna LLC after it was debarred by the World Bank for fraudulent practice. Supper Fortuna LLC is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

28 April 2022ADB cross debars firms sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Voith Hydro GmbH & Co. KG and Voith Hydro Shanghai Ltd. after they were debarred by the World Bank. Voith Hydro GmbH & Co. KG was debarred for collusive and fraudulent practices while Voith Hydro Shanghai Ltd. was debarred for collusive and corrupt practices. Voith Hydro GmbH & Co. KG and Voith Hydro Shanghai Ltd. are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

21 April 2022ADB cross debars two individuals and one firm sanctioned by the Inter-American Development Bank 
ADB cross debarred Pau Llopart Vidal and Javier Olcina Feliú after they were debarred by the Inter-American Development Bank for fraudulent and corrupt practices.  ADB also cross debarred Pro Immobles S.L., a firm controlled by Llopart. Llopart, Olcina, and Pro-Immobles S.L. are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

7 April 2022ADB cross debars individual sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Diclah Taureka after he was debarred by the World Bank for collusive and fraudulent practices. Taureka is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

5 April 2022ADB cross debars firm and controlled affiliates sanctioned by the African Development Bank 
ADB cross debarred Weihai Construction Group Co. Ltd. and its controlled affiliates after they were debarred by the African Development Bank for fraudulent practices. Weihai Construction Group Co. Ltd. and its controlled affiliates are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

11 March 2022ADB cross debars firms and individual sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred KogonNefteGazEnergoService LLC, JV KogonRemStroyKomplekt, PT. Tirta Wijaya Karya,  PT. Karuniaguna Intisemesta, Alyans Beton Limited Liability Company, and Ramil Bahadir Oĝlu Aliyev after they were debarred by the World Bank for engaging in fraudulent practices. The said firms and individual are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

10 February 2022ADB cross debars firms and individual sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Thai Son Traffic Work Construction JSC (formerly Hang An Group JSC), Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited (REEL), TPF Getinsa Euroestudios S.L., Getinsa Ingeniería Vietnam Co. Ltd., and M. Goutham Reddy after they were debarred by the World Bank. Thai Son Traffic Work Construction JSC (formerly Hang An Group JSC) engaged in fraudulent and obstructive practices. Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited (REEL), Getinsa Ingeniería Vietnam Co. Ltd., and M. Goutham Reddy engaged in fraudulent practices. TPF Getinsa Euroestudios S.L. engaged in fraudulent and obstructive practices. The said firms and individual are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

8 February 2022ADB cross debars firm sanctioned by the Inter-American Development Bank 
ADB cross debarred Tractebel Engineering S.A. after it was debarred by the Inter-American Development Bank for engaging in fraudulent and corrupt practices. Tractebel Engineering S.A. is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

15 December 2021ADB cross debars firm and individual sanctioned by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
ADB cross debarred LLC Chabrail and Siroyatullo Ismatovich Zaidov after they were debarred by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for engaging in fraudulent practice. The said firm and individual are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

11 October 2021ADB cross debars firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Newstech Vietnam Trading and Investment Construction Joint Stock Company after it was debarred by the World Bank for fraudulent practices. Newstech Vietnam Trading and Investment Construction Joint Stock Company is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

30 August 2021ADB cross debars firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Technique Import Export Joint Stock Company after it was debarred by the World Bank for engaging in collusive practice. Technique Import Export Joint Stock Company is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

30 June 2021ADB cross debars two firms sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Odelga Med Ges.M.B.H. and Zhejiang First Hydro & Power Construction Group Co., Ltd., following their debarments by the World Bank for corrupt and fraudulent practices. The firms are ineligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

29 June 2021ADB cross debars two firms and an individual sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred PT. Karya Kita Putra Pertiwi, PT. Tubagus Rangin, and Mr. Oyo Sunaryo, following their debarments by the World Bank for fraudulent practice. The firms and individual are ineligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

7 June 2021 Scam alert: Fake social media pages using ADB's name
ADB's Office of Anticorruption and Integrity is warning the general public of fraudulent social media pages purporting to be ADB, such as Asia Development Bank and Bank Asia. Read more.

25 March 2021ADB cross debars two firms sanctioned by EBRD 
ADB cross debarred LLC Tojsokhtmon and LLC Toj-Mash following their debarments by EBRD for fraudulent practices. Both firms are ineligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

24 March 2021ADB cross debars firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred PT. Jaya Etika Teknik following its debarment by World Bank for corrupt practices. PT. Jaya Etika Teknik is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

23 March 2021ADB cross debars firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred CNOOD Asia Limited following its debarment by World Bank for fraudulent practice. CNOOD Asia Limited is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

22 March 2021ADB cross debars two related firms debarred by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Hunan Allonward Hydro-Generating Equipment Co., Ltd. (Hunan Allonward) following its debarment by World Bank for fraudulent practice. Allonward Hydro-Generating Equipment (Hongkong) Co., Ltd., a firm affiliated with Hunan Allonward, was also named and included in the cross debarment. Both firms are ineligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

16 March 2021ADB cross debars two firms debarred by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred PT. Aris Makmur Mandiri and PT. Bina Cipta Utama following their debarment by World Bank for fraudulent practice. PT. Aris Makmur Mandiri and PT. Bina Cipta Utama are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

16 March 2021ADB cross debars two related firms debarred by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Ferrostaal Oil & Gas GmbH (Ferrostaal Oil) following its debarment by World Bank for fraudulent practice. Globometal Unipessoal Ltda., a firm affiliated with Ferrostaal Oil, was also named and included in the cross debarment. Ferrostaal Oil and Globometal Unipessoal Ltda. are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

16 March 2021ADB cross debars a firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Grupo Mecánica del Vuelo Sistemas, S.A.U. following its debarment by World Bank for collusive, corrupt and fraudulent practices. Grupo Mecánica del Vuelo Sistemas, S.A.U. is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

11 March 2021ADB cross debars IDB-sanctioned individual, two firms 
ADB cross debarred Juan José Acosta González and TR Construya S.L.U. following their debarment by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for fraudulent and corrupt practices. TR Construya Panamá, S.A., owned and controlled by Mr. Acosta González, was also named and included in the cross debarment. Mr. Acosta González and the two firms are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

12 February 2021ADB cross debars a firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred VN1 Industrial Group JSC after it was debarred by the World Bank for engaging in corrupt practices. VN1 Industrial Group JSC is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

7 January 2021ADB cross debars a firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Luxport Export Ltd. after it was debarred by the World Bank for engaging in fraudulent practices. Luxport Export Ltd. is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

18 December 2020ADB cross debars a firm sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred A2Z Infra Engineering Limited (previously known as A2Z Maintenance and Engineering Services Limited) after it was debarred by the World Bank for engaging in fraudulent practices. A2Z Infra Engineering Limited is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

18 December 2020ADB cross debars one individual, two firms sanctioned by World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Mr. Klemen Jerin after he was debarred by the World Bank for engaging in corrupt practice. ADB also cross debarred NovoLine Resources L.P. and Speedtech Energy Co., Ltd. after they were debarred by the World Bank for engaging in fraudulent practices. Mr. Klemen Jerin, NovoLine Resources L.P., and Speedtech Energy Co., Ltd. are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while debarred. View updated sanctions list.

17 December 2020ADB cross debars six related firms sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Berky GmbH and five affiliates after they were debarred by World Bank for Berky’s engagement in collusive, fraudulent and corrupt practices. Berky GmbH and its five affiliates are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

13 November 2020ADB cross debars firm and individual sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred China Electric Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. (CEDRI) and Mr. Zhang Qun after they were debarred by the World Bank for engaging in separate fraudulent practices. CEDRI and Mr. Zhang Qun are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

23 October 2020ADB cross debars 13 related firms sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. (KPTL) and 12 affiliates after they were debarred by the World Bank for KPTL's engagement in fraudulent practices. KPTL and its 12 affiliates are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while cross debarred. View updated sanctions list.

29 September 2020ADB cross debars two firms and one individual debarred by the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank
ADB cross debarred Salvador Duart, after he was debarred by Inter-American Development Bank for engaging in collusive practices. The cross debarment extends to BDCTEC International SL (BDCTEC), a firm owned and controlled by Mr. Duart. ADB cross debarred Zhongyun Construction Holding Co., Ltd. (Zhongyun), after it was debarred by World Bank for engaging in fraudulent practices. Mr. Duart, BDCTEC, and Zhongyun are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while debarred. View updated sanctions list.

28 September 2020ADB cross debars 37 related firms sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross debarred FCC Construcción S.A. and its 36 affiliates after they were debarred by World Bank for engaging in collusive and fraudulent practices. FCC Construcción S.A. and its 36 affiliates are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while debarred. View updated sanctions list.

17 August 2020ADB cross debars 32 firms and one individual sanctioned by the African Development Bank and World Bank
ADB cross debarred 32 firms and one individual after African Development Bank's and World Bank's sanctions for corrupt, collusive, and fraudulent practices. The firms and individual are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

10 August 2020ADB cross debars one firm sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross debarred Founder International (Beijing) Co., Ltd. after World Bank's sanction for fraudulent practice. The firm is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

20 May 2020ADB cross debars three entities sanctioned by African Development Bank and World Bank
ADB cross debarred Sinotec Company Limited, Liaoning-Efacec Electrical Equipment Company Limited, and James Tinnion-Morgan after AfDB's and WB's sanctions for collusive, corrupt, and fraudulent practices. The entities are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

24 April 2020ADB cross debars three firms sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross debarred Yunnan Jincheng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., LLC Conmarks, and Fedders Lloyd Corporation Limited following the World Bank's sanction for fraudulent practices. The firms are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

21 February 2020ADB cross debars an individual sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross debarred Bezhan Seraj following the World Bank's sanction for fraudulent practices. The individual is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

18 February 2020ADB cross debars a firm sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross debarred LTD Dagi following the World Bank's sanction for fraudulent practices. The firm is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

29 January 2020 Scam alert: Legal representation fraud
The general public is advised to be aware of legal representation scams using the name of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and its Headquarters’ address. Read more.

08 January 2020ADB cross debars 50 entities sanctioned by other MDBs
ADB cross debarred 50 entities that were sanctioned by the African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, and the World Bank for fraudulent, collusive, and corrupt practices. Seven of the entities are registered in, or citizens of, ADB non-member countries; whereas the 43 other entities are from ADB member countries. They include Jiangxi Geo-Engineering (Group) Corporation and its 14 affiliates, 15 affiliates of CHINT Electric Co. Ltd., and Tengwangge Construction Engineering Group Co. Ltd., which have exposure to ADB contracts. The entities are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

31 October 2019ADB cross debars 30 entities sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross-debarred China Railway First Group Co. Ltd., PT. Suburo Jayan Indah Corp, an individual, and 27 affiliated firms, after they were sanctioned for fraudulent practices. The entities are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

08 October 2019ADB cross-debars 29 entities sanctioned by the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank
ADB cross-debarred China Energy Engineering Group Hunan Electric Power Design Institute Co. Ltd., Ingenieria Especializada Obra e Civil Industrial S.A.U., Construtora Norberto Odebrecht S.A. plus 26 affiliated firms, after they were sanctioned for collusive, corrupt, and fraudulent practices. The entities are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

11 September 2019ADB cross-debars a firm sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross-debarred Hunan Water and Hydropower Construction Group Co., Ltd. after WB’s sanction it for fraudulent practices. The firm is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

23 August 2019ADB cross-debars three entities sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross-debarred Bejing Jingold Construction Co., Ltd. and two affiliates, Beijing Jingold Sunshine Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jingold Airport Construction (Liaoning) Co., Ltd. after WB sanctioned them for fraudulent practices. The entities are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

14 August 2019ADB cross-debars six entities sanctioned by Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank
ADB cross-debarred Toponort S.A., Manuel Candal, PT Nugraha Adi Taruna, and three entities from non-ADB member countries, after IDB and WB sanctioned them for fraudulent practices. The entities are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

25 July 2019ADB cross-debars entities sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross-debarred Mr. Muminjon Yuldashev, Shanghai Hetai Construction Engineering Co. Ltd, OOO Fides Solutions, and Mr. Ravshan Rizametov, after WB sanctioned them for coercive, corrupt, and fraudulent practices. The entities are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

01 July 2019ADB cross-debars 15 entities sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross-debarred Dongfang Electronics Co. Ltd., Guizhou Zhonghang South Machinery Construction Co. Ltd. and Zhongchen Road & Bridge Construction (Beijing) Co., Ltd., plus 12 affiliated firms, after World Bank sanctioned them for fraudulent practices. The entities are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

24 September 2018ADB cross-debars one firm sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB cross-debarred M/s Om Sakthi Constructions (India) after the World Bank sanctioned it for fraudulent practices. The firm is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

30 August 2018ADB cross-debars firm sanctioned by the Inter-American Development Bank
ADB cross-debarred GL Systems LLC (USA) after IDB sanctioned it for collusive, corrupt, and fraudulent practices. The firm is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

7 August 2018ADB cross-debars two entities sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB on 15 August cross-debarred Jiangsu Zhidehuatong Information Technology Co., Ltd. (PRC) and PT Gunakarya Nusantara (Indonesia), which are sanctioned by the World Bank. They were penalized for fraudulent practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

2 August 2018ADB cross-debars 32 firms sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB on 31 July cross-debarred China Machinery Industry Construction Group, Inc. (including 18 affiliates) and China Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Co. Ltd. (including 12 affiliates) from the PRC. The firms were sanctioned by the World Bank for fraudulent practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

27 July 2018ADB cross-debars three entities sanctioned by the Inter-American Development Bank
ADB on 24 July cross-debarred three entities from Guatemala which were sanctioned by IDB. They were sanctioned for collusive, corrupt, and fraudulent practices and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

17 July 2018ADB cross-debars two firms sanctioned by AfDB
ADB on 12 July cross-debarred Chint Electric Co., Ltd. and Chint Electric International Co., Ltd. from the PRC. The firms were sanctioned by the African Development Bank for fraudulent practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

 4 July 2018ADB cross-debars an individual sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB on 2 July cross-debarred Andre Koll from Germany. The individual was sanctioned by the World Bank for corrupt practices, and is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

29 June 2018ADB cross-debars four entities sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB on 27 June cross-debarred Kuvasoy Tamir Kurlish LLC, Juydam-Tamirchi LLC, and two entities from Nicaragua. The entities were sanctioned by the World Bank for fraudulent and collusive practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

18 June 2018ADB cross-debars a firm sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB on 14 June cross-debarred Latifi Constructon and Road Construction Company from Afghanistan. The firm was sanctioned by the World Bank for fraudulent practices, and is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

8 June 2018ADB cross-debars two entities sanctioned by WB
ADB on 6 June cross-debarred Alam & Sons Government Contractor and General Order Supplier and Mr. Khuda Dad from Pakistan. They were sanctioned by the World Bank for fraudulent practices and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

7 June 2018ADB cross-debars three entities sanctioned by WB
ADB on 5 June cross-debarred T&G Ltd., Avtobani Ltd., and Mr. Shalva Bubuteishvili from Georgia. These were sanctioned by the World Bank for collusive practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

38 May 2018ADB cross-debars twelve entities sanctioned by IDB and WB
ADB on 26 May cross-debarred 12 entities sanctioned by the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank. They were sanctioned for fraudulent, collusive, and corrupt practices and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. Contact OAI for any contract variations involving these entities. View updated sanctions list.

30 April 2018ADB cross debars 65 firms sanctioned by World Bank
ADB on 24 and 26 April cross debarred 65 firms which were sanctioned by the World Bank. They were sanctioned for collusive, corrupt, and fraudulent practices and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list

5 April 2018ADB cross debars six entities sanctioned by the World Bank
ADB on 27 March cross-debarred six entities from the Philippines and Haiti which were sanctioned by the World Bank. They were sanctioned for collusive and fraudulent practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

6 March 2018ADB cross debars 19 entities sanctioned by Inter-American Development Bank
ADB on 19 March cross-debarred 19 entities from Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama which were sanctioned by IDB. They were sanctioned for collusive and fraudulent practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

12 February 2018ADB cross debars three entities sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB on 8 February cross debarred three entities from Argentina which were sanctioned by the World Bank. They were sanctioned for fraudulent practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list

8 February 2018ADB cross debars 11 entities sanctioned by the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank
ADB on 7 February cross debarred 11 entities which were sanctioned by the World Bank and IDB. They were sanctioned for corrupt, collusive, fraudulent, and obstructive practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

1 February 2018ADB cross debars an entity sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB on 30 January cross debarred Angelique International Limited. It was sanctioned for corrupt and fraudulent practices, and is not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

31 January 2018ADB cross debars 93 entities sanctioned by the World Bank 
ADB cross debarred on 25 January 85 affiliates of Oberthur Technologies SA and 8 other entities which were sanctioned by the World Bank. They were sanctioned for corrupt, collusive, and fraudulent practices; and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

3 January 2018ADB cross debars four entities sanctioned by the Inter-American Development Bank 
ADB cross debarred on 19 January four entities from Brazil and Guyana which were sanctioned by the Inter-American Development Bank. They were sanctioned for collusive and fraudulent practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

12 January 2018ADB cross debars three entities sanctioned by the African Development Bank
ADB cross debarred three entities from Ghana and Nigeria which were sanctioned by the African Development Bank for fraudulent practices. The firms are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list

5 January 2018ADB cross debars three entities sanctioned by World Bank
 ADB cross debarred SMEC Bangladesh Ltd., ACE Consultants Ltd., and Ocyana Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd. They were sanctioned by the World Bank for corrupt and fraudulent practices and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

8 December 2017ADB cross debars six entities sanctioned by World Bank
ADB on 5 December cross debarred six entities from India, Nicaragua, Philippines, and Spain which were sanctioned by the World Bank. They were sanctioned for collusive, corrupt, and fraudulent practices, and are not eligible to participate in ADB-related activities while sanctioned. View updated sanctions list.

7 May 2017 Scam alert: Fake ADB recruitment
The general public is advised to be aware of recruitment scams using the name of the the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Read more.

8 May 2017 Beware of business scams using ADB's name
ADB's Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI) is warning the general public of fraudulent  emails that claim to be from a high ranking official within ADB; or from individuals or companies working with ADB. Read more.

21 July 2015 ADB sanctioned 18 firms and 20 individuals from Jan-June 2015
In the 1st semester of 2015, the Integrity Oversight Committee declared 13 firms and 16 individuals ineligible to participate in ADB-financed activities for violating ADB's Anticorruption Policy. In addition, five firms and four individuals accepted ADB's proposed sanction. Read the  cases synopses.