Results 1 to 20 of 1322
- The Asia and the Pacific Food Security Forum 2024 will be held from 9-12 April 2024 in Manila, Philippines to discuss actions to ease a worsening food crisis in the region, and to improve long-term food security by strengthening food systems against the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss among stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific.
- A 3-day workshop co-hosted by ADBI, OPRI, and SIIF will focus on implementing blue finance policies to support a healthy ocean economy through collaboration among experts from the private sector, government, and other organizations.
- By improving rural infrastructure and supporting farmers, the TSSD-AF is reducing rural poverty and increasing agricultural productivity while helping Cambodia adapt to climate change impacts.
- Access to piped water increases the probability that rural households in Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic will adopt modern sanitation and washing facilities.
- ADB, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan (MAFF) is organizing the 1st Expert Committee Meeting on Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Low-Carbon Food Systems in the ASEAN Region on 31 January 2024.
- The objective of the technical assistance (TA) project was to design, pilot, set up, and operationalize the ADB Ventures Facility—a multi-donor trust fund that would deploy and scale technologies and business models throughout the developing Asia and the Pacific in order to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).This report validates the completion report's assessment of the TA.IED's overall assessment is highly successful.
- The technical assistance (TA) aimed to support sustainable agriculture production and waste management in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This was to be delivered by (i) developing green agriculture production models for grain-producing areas of Heilongjiang and Shandong provinces experiencing soil and land degradation, (ii) proposing new models for the effective treatment and management of rural organic waste in key grain-producing areas, and (iii) effectively implementing rural vitalization in the provinces.
- The expected outcome of the technical assistance (TA) cluster was the enhancement of the design and implementation of eco-compensation and ecosystem protection demonstration projects. The expected impact was the achievement of green economic development and ecological protection in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).This report validates the completion report's assessment of the TA.IED's overall assessment is successful.
- The TSSD-AF project addresses issues of low productivity, the pervasive use of low-quality rice seed, weak value chains, and the rice sector’s vulnerability to climate change in 270 communes in the Tonle Sap basin of Cambodia.
- Blue economy is the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihood, and job creation while preserving the health of marine and coastal ecosystems.
- The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) aimed to enhance the capacity and knowledge of the Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in preparing a strategy and implementing actions regarding integrated watershed environmental management, river and ocean eco-environmental management, and plastic waste pollution control. The TA was developed to support the implementation of the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) Development Plan and the Rural Vitalization Strategy.This report validates the completion report's assessment of the TA.
- The technical assistance (TA) project aimed to support India’s state of Uttar Pradesh in undertaking a detailed value chain analysis of select commodities. It sought to increase farmers’ incomes and identify constraints on the efficiency of current infrastructure and institutions.
- The technical assistance (TA) intended to support the preparation of the Ganges–Kobadak Irrigation Modernization Project (GKIMP) which aimed to modernize the Ganges–Kobadak Irrigation Project (GKIP) infrastructure and establish performance-based irrigation management and agriculture support services through private sector participation. The expected outcome of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) TA was a well-designed GKIMP satisfying project readiness criteria.This report validates the completion report's assessment of the TA.IED's overall assessment is less than successful.
- Desertification continues to expand at the global scale because of climate change. This is leading to extreme biodiversity loss, food insecurity, decreased forest cover, and an increased vulnerability to zoonotic diseases.
- The Government of Mongolia and ADB signed loan and grant agreements totaling $168.2 million for the first tranche of an investment program to support green and inclusive development of Mongolia’s aimags (provinces) and soums (subprovinces).
- Монгол Улсын аймаг, сумдын хүртээмжтэй, ногоон хөгжлийг дэмжихэд чиглэсэн хөрөнгө оруулалтын хөтөлбөрийн эхний шатны 168.2 ам.доллартай тэнцэх зээл, буцалтгүй тусламжийн гэрээнд Монгол Улсын Засгийн газрыг төлөөлж Сангийн сайд Б.Жавхлан, АХБ-ыг төлөөлж Монгол Улс дахь Суурин төлөөлөгч Шэннон Коулин нар өнөөдөр гарын үсэг зурлаа.
- The program aimed to facilitate policy reforms in Bangladesh to help strengthen institutional arrangements and governance and improve sustainability of investments for the delivery of essential urban services in the city corporations and the municipalities. The outcome was the establishment of sustainable public and environmental health services in seven city corporations.This report validates the completion report's assessment of the program. IED overall assessment: Less than successful.
- This publication explains why climate change is a growing risk for Pakistan’s agriculture and shows how high-level remote sensing and mathematical programming can provide near real-time data to improve irrigation systems and bolster water security.
- The TSSD-AF project fosters community-driven development and enables farming families in the Tonle Sap Basin to generate higher incomes, helping to lift future generations out of poverty.
- The project was aimed to reduce poverty by making social services and economic opportunities more accessible to rural people, including indigenous peoples (IPs) and poor women, in Chittagong Hill Tracts' districts of Banderban, Khagrachari, and Rangamati. The project was designed to: (i) strengthen the institutional capacity of government-related agencies and nongovernment organizations (NGOs); (ii) improve rural roads and small-scale community infrastructure; and (iii) promote sustainable micro-agribusiness development (MAD).