Funds and Resources

ADB offers loans, grants, and technical assistance from Special Funds, Trust Funds, and other sources to help reduce poverty in Asia’s poorest countries.

Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization Fund

What is the fund?

The Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization Fund (AIDIF) was established June 2021 under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility. The objective of the facility is to improve energy security in developing member countries and decrease the rate of climate change through increased use of clean energy.

What are the priorities?

The fund will accelerate innovative artificial intelligence and digitalization technologies towards commercialization by advancing Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) through pilot projects.

What kind of activities are eligible?

The fund will support the RD&D of artificial intelligence and digitalization technologies and technical assistance activities only where they directly support the acceleration of TRLs in supported pilot projects. The fund will support technologies across multiple energy sectors, including, but not limited to, industry, transport, and power. Technologies may include but are not limited to smart grids, smart devices, artificial intelligence software or hardware, and data access and management tools such as blockchain.

Who is eligible to receive the fund?

The following eligible ADB developing members can avail of the fund: Bangladesh, Cambodia, People’s Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam.

Who supports the fund?

The Government of the United Kingdom supports the fund.