Funds and Resources

ADB offers loans, grants, and technical assistance from Special Funds, Trust Funds, and other sources to help reduce poverty in Asia’s poorest countries.

Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund

What is the fund?

The Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund is a special fund established in 2009 to provide fast-tracked grants to developing member countries (DMCs) for life-saving purposes in the immediate aftermath of major disasters triggered by a natural hazards.

What are the priorities?

The fund provides quick disbursing grants to assist DMCs meet immediate expenses to restore life-saving services to affected populations following a disaster and to augment aid provided by other donors in times of crisis.

What kind of activities are eligible for the grant?

Assistance may be granted only once the following emergency conditions have been met:

  • A natural disaster has occurred in a DMC
  • An emergency has been officially declared that is of a scale beyond the capacity of the country and its own agencies to meet the immediate expenses necessary to restore life-saving services to the affected populations
  • The United Nations humanitarian/resident coordinator (H/RC) has confirmed the scale and implications of the disaster and has indicated a general amount of funding that would be required to assist in alleviating the situation.

Assistance from the fund is provided in the form of a grant in an amount totaling up to $3 million per event. Factors that may influence the size of the grant can be (i) geographical extent of damage; (ii) initial estimate of death, injuries, and displaced persons; (iii) the response capacity of key agencies in the country; and (iv) the date and magnitude of the last disaster that affected the country (thereby taking into account the cumulative effect of disasters on the country’s ability to respond).

See all projects financed by this fund.

Who is eligible to receive the grant?

All ADB DMCs are eligible for grant assistance from the fund. Recipients are central governments that may allocate funds to local governments, government agencies, and other suitable national or international entities, including nongovernmental organizations.

Who supports the grant?

ADB and Japan support the fund.