ADBI Calls for Papers
Call for Papers on Gender and Energy: Unveiling the Nexus of Equality and Sustainability
This special issue aims to investigate the nuanced dimensions of gender and energy, exploring how gender norms, roles, and inequalities intersect with energy systems, policies, and practices.Call for Papers: Leveraging Digitalization for Elderly Care
This Call for Papers invites research articles that contribute to the existing literature with new evidence that shapes the future of innovative and healthy aging in Asia and the Pacific.
Call for Papers on The 11th Conference on Asia and Pacific Economies (CAPE)
XJTLU and ADBI invite submission of papers for this two-day event on topics related to the Asia and Pacific economies.
Call for Research Papers on Mechanization of Small-Scale Farms in Asia: Current Status, Impacts, and Future Prospects
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking high-quality empirical and applied research papers examining the mechanization of small-scale farms in Asia, with a focus on its current status, impacts, and future prospects. Papers may also be devoted to literature review and meta-analysis.
Call for Research Papers on Striving for Inclusive Economic Growth in Asia and the Pacific
ADBI, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University (ANU), are co-organizing a conference on inclusive economic growth in Asia and the Pacific.
Call for Papers on Policy Lessons for a Post-COVID-19 Recovery
The National Economics University (NEU) in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, and the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) in Tokyo, Japan, are delighted to announce our joint international conference on “Policy Lessons for a Post-COVID-19 Recovery,” which will be held at ADBI in Tokyo on 7–8 March 2024.
Call for Research Papers on Nutritional Security in Asia and the Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is inviting submissions of high-quality empirical and applied research papers on the theme of “Challenges and Opportunities for Enhancing Nutritional Security in Asia and the Pacific.”
Call for Papers on SME Performance Under Uncertainty – Supply-Side Inflation, Low Productivity, and Monetary Tightening
The Asia Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Bank of England, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and University of Nottingham welcome submissions of original unpublished research papers under the theme SME Performance Under Uncertainty – Supply-Side Inflation, Low Productivity, and Monetary Tightening.
Call for Papers on Climate-Smart Agriculture: Adoption, Impacts, and Implications for Sustainable Development
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking papers on climate-smart agriculture, with a focus on its adoption, impacts, and sustainable development implications in Asia and globally.(Extended) Call for Papers on Asia’s Agriculture-Livestock-Forestry Nexus: Prospects for Improving Farmers’ Livelihoods, Soil Health, and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), in collaboration with Agricultural Systems, an SSCI journal with a current impact factor of 6.765, is seeking original research or comprehensive review papers on Asia’s agriculture-livestock-forestry nexus.
Call for Papers on Linking Farmers to Markets: Barriers, Incentives, and Policy Options
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking papers on barriers, incentives, and policy options for linking farmers in Asian countries to other markets in the region and globally.
Call for Papers on Transport Corridors in CAREC Region: Trade Facilitation and Supply Chain Resilience
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), the Asian Development Bank, and the CAREC Institute invite original, unpublished paper submissions addressing transport corridors and trade facilitation in Central and West Asia and detailing policy recommendations to be presented at a virtual or in-person workshop expected to be held in September 2023.
Call for Papers on the Energy Market, Energy Pricing, and Low-Carbon Transition
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking original, unpublished papers on the energy market and energy pricing toward low-carbon energy transition, with a focus on Asia and the Pacific.
Call for Papers on Asia and Pacific Economies
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and the Asian Development Bank Institute invite the submission of papers to be potentially featured during the 10th Conference on Asia and Pacific Economies (CAPE) on 26-27 May 2023 in Suzhou, PRC, and/or virtually, organized by the Society for the Advancement in Economic Studies.
Call for Papers on Pacific Island Economies: Aiming for Sustainable Economic Development in the Midst of Growing Uncertainty
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Asian Think Tanks Network, the University of the South Pacific, and the Asian Development Bank Institute invite submission of original research papers under the theme Pacific Island Economies: Aiming for Sustainable Economic Development in Midst of Growing Uncertainties.
Call for Papers on Digital Connectivity Pathways: Exploring the Issues, Constraints, and Collaborative Prospects for Asia and the Pacific
Asian Development Bank Institute; Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore
Call for Papers on Sustainable Finance for Asia’s Net Zero Transition
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and the Centre for Sustainable Finance at SOAS University of London are seeking original, unpublished papers on sustainable finance and Asia’s transition to net zero carbon emissions.Call for Papers: Gender-Sensitive Economic Recovery and Resilience in Asia
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Yale University invite submissions of original rigorous empirical and/or theoretical papers in economics or related fields.
Call for Papers on Achieving Ocean Equity: Innovative, Fair, inclusive, and Sustainable Strategies and Blue Impact Investments
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of original unpublished papers under the theme Achieving Ocean Equity: Innovative, Fair, Inclusive, and Sustainable Strategies and Blue Impact Investments.
Call for Papers on Digital Finance and Sustainability
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Singapore Management University (SMU), and Sustainability are seeking original research papers on digital finance and its implications for sustainable and inclusive economic growth.Call for Papers on Energy Transition from Coal to Low-Carbon Future
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking original, unpublished papers on coal-renewable energy transition policy and prospects for a low-carbon future in Asia and the Pacific.Call for Papers on Future Hydrogen Society in Asia and the Pacific
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking original, unpublished papers that examine the future of hydrogen society development in Asia and the Pacific.
Call for Papers on Water Resource Management in Agriculture for Achieving Food and Water Security Under Climate Change in Asia
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking original, unpublished papers on water management policy in agriculture for achieving food and water security under climate change in Asia.Call for Papers on Farmers’ Organizations and Sustainable Development
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (APCE) are seeking theoretical, empirical, and experimental papers on farmers’ organization impacts and implications for sustainable development policy in Asia and beyond.Call for Papers on Rural and Agricultural Development in the Digital Age
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking papers on rural and agricultural development in the digital age in Asian countries and globally.
Call for Papers for 9th Conference on Asia and Pacific Economies
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) are seeking original, unpublished theoretical and empirical research papers on socioeconomic issues related to the PRC, broader Asia and the Pacific, and the impacts of post-COVID-19 shocks.
Call for Papers on Enabling Gender-Sensitive COVID Recovery in Asia
ADBI and Yale University are seeking submissions of original, unpublished empirical and/or theoretical papers in economics that explore the COVID pandemic’s effects on women’s economic activities and policies
Call for Papers on Inclusive, Sustainable Recovery in Asia and the Pacific
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) invite submissions of original, unpublished papers that explore keys to the region’s inclusive and sustainable recovery.Call for Papers on Effective Public Debt Management and Fiscal Sustainability in the Post-COVID-19 Era
ADBI, ADB, and KDI are seeking original, unpublished research paper submissions on public debt management and fiscal sustainability in the post COVID-19 era, with a focus on Asia and the Pacific.
Call for Papers on Technology Transfer and Firm Competitiveness: Country-Level Study
ADBI invites the submission of original paper proposals on technology transfer and firm competitiveness in Asia, with a focus on the criteria for gauging the success or failure of these dynamics and their policy implications.
Call for Papers on Post-COVID-19 Challenges and Regional Integration in Asia
The Asian Development Bank Institute, ASEAN-India Centre at RIS, and Chulalongkorn University’s ASEAN Study Center are seeking original, unpublished papers examining post-COVID-19 challenges to regional integration and development in Asia, to be featured in a related workshop and considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Asian Economic Integration.
Call for Papers on Improving the Quality of Basic Education in Southeast Asia
We are seeking original, unpublished applied economics research papers on education system development in Southeast Asia and the pursuit of quality basic education for ensuring student mastery of foundational literacy and numeracy.
Call for Papers on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Technologies and Governance in Urban Development
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Asian Development Bank, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are seeking original, unpublished empirical research papers on technology and governance measures for strengthening water, sanitation, and hygiene services in urban development.
Call for Papers on Resilient Compensation and Restitution for Post-Disaster Recovery in Asia and the Pacific
ADBI, the University of Melbourne, and the ASEAN Secretariat welcome the submission of original, unpublished papers that examine post-disaster rehabilitation policies and practices, with a focus on resilient compensation.
Call for Papers on Low Carbon Cooling in Asia and the Pacific
ADBI and ADB welcome original, unpublished papers and short case studies on low carbon cooling, including best practices, policy tools, technologies, market mechanisms, and implementation strategies in Asia and the Pacific.
Call for Papers on Health and Socioeconomic Well-Being of Older Persons in Developing Asia
ADB, ADBI, and JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development invite submissions of original, unpublished papers that examine the physical, mental, social, and economic well-being of older persons in Asia.
Call for Papers on Rural Economic Transformation: Pathways to Inclusive and Sustainable Prosperity in Post-COVID-19 Asia
ADBI is seeking original, unpublished papers on rural economic transformation and it’s role in increasing inclusive and sustainable prosperity in post-COVID-19 Asia.
Call for Papers on Environmental Challenges and Agricultural Sustainability in Asia: Interlinkages and Future Implications
ADBI is seeking original, unpublished papers on environmental challenges and agricultural sustainability in Asia, their Interlinkages, and future implications.
Call for Papers on High-Speed Rail, Equity, and Inclusion
ADBI is seeking high-quality original, unpublished research papers featuring qualitative and quantitative analyses, case studies, and policy insights on the impacts of HSR on equity, to be presented at a related conference.
Call for Papers on Analyzing Infrastructure Impacts in Asia Through Big Data
ADBI is seeking original, unpublished research papers on big data analysis of the impacts of infrastructure development in Asia, to be presented during an ADBI workshop.
Call for Papers/Proposals on COVID-19 and Central Banking in Asia and the Pacific
ADBI and APAEA are seeking original research paper submissions, or detailed proposals, on COVID-19 and central banking in Asia and the Pacific.
Call for Papers on Sanitation and Development
ADBI, BMGF, and IFS are seeking original empirical research papers on sanitation and development, to be presented by the authors during a workshop in Tokyo or online in October 2021.
Call for Papers on Effective Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Policies
ADBI welcomes original, unpublished papers on the effectiveness of emission policies and ways to improve the design and implementation of such measures in developing economies in Asia and the Pacific.
Call for Papers on Fintech and COVID-19
ADBI, the Asian Development Bank, and Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School are seeking original research paper submissions on issues related to fintech and COVID-19.
Call for Papers on COVID-19 and Economic Recovery Potential in CAREC Region
ADBI and the CAREC Institute invite original, unpublished paper submissions addressing COVID-19 and the CAREC region’s economic recovery potential.
Call for Papers on Strengthening Environmental, Social, and Governance Investment Under the COVID-19 Crisis
ADBI welcomes original, unpublished papers on strengthening ESG investment under the COVID-19 crisis and its implications for economies in Asia and the Pacific, to be presented during a related ADBI conference.
Call for Papers on High-Speed Rail, Equity, and Inclusion
ADBI is seeking high-quality original, unpublished research papers featuring qualitative and quantitative analyses, case studies, and policy insights on the impacts of HSR on equity, to be presented at a related conference.
Call for Papers on Human Mobility and Transportation Impacts Due to COVID-19
ADBI is seeking high-quality original,unpublished research papers featuring quantitative analyses,case studies,and policy insights on related issues for possible inclusion in a special issue of the journal Frontiers of Future Transportation.
Call for Papers on Blue Economy and Blue Finance: Towards Sustainable Development and Ocean Governance
ADBI, ANCORS, and OPRI invite submissions of original unpublished papers on the Blue Economy and Blue Finance for presenting at a conference at the University of Wollongong in Australia in November 2020 or by video conference.
Call for Papers on Bridging Investment Gaps Through Fintech
ADBI, ADB, IGF, ADFER, and NUS Business School invite paper submissions on bridging investment gaps in fintech for presenting at a co-hosted conference in Singapore on 10-11 September 2020.
Call for Papers on the Economic Impacts of Demographic Transition: Cases of Asia and Europe
The Asian Development Bank Institute invites submissions of original unpublished papers on the economic impacts of demographic transition in Asia and Europe for presenting at a workshop at Fulbright University in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Call for Papers on Fiscal Policy Instruments and Green Development
ADBI, the Ministry of Finance of Indonesia, and University of Indonesia invite the submission of original, unpublished thematic or case studies on the role of fiscal policy instruments in green development.
Call for Papers on Green and Ethical Finance
ADBI, the Journal of Banking & Finance, and SKBI-SMU invite paper submissions for presentation at a research conference on green and ethical finance to be held on 16-17 September 2020 in Singapore.
Call for Papers: 8th Seminar on Asia and the Pacific Economies
ADBI and XJTLU invite submission of original, unpublished theoretical and empirical research papers to be presented at the 8th Seminar on Asia and Pacific Economies on 29-30 May 2020.
Call for Papers on Effective Emission Reduction Policies and Economic Growth
ADBI invites unpublished, high quality empirical or theoretical research papers addressing effective emission reduction policies for possible inclusion in a special issue of the Journal of Environmental Management.
Call for Papers on Digitalization and Sustainable Economic Development
ADBI and SMU-SKMI are seeking original, unpublished research paper submissions in any field related to digitalization and sustainable economic development to be featured at the conference.
Call for Papers on Fostering Sustainable Development and Firm Performance in Asia Amid De-Globalization
ADBI, the Productivity Research Network (PRN), and INSEAD invite papers addressing these themes, with strong policy relevance and emphasis on Asia.
Call for Papers on Meeting Environmental Objectives Through Energy Sector Reforms in Asia and the Pacific: Role of Energy Pricing and Reforms Emissions Reduction
ADBI invites original, unpublished papers addressing pricing of all forms of energy, including fossil fuels, electricity, and renewable energy, as well as its role in sustainable growth in Asia.
Call for Papers on New Frontiers in Managing Revenue Systems
ADBI and the University of New South Wales are seeking papers to be presented before leading tax administrators and policy experts at the International Conference on Tax Administration in Sydney, Australia on 7-8 April 2020.
Call for Papers on Blue Economy, Ocean Tourism, and Sustainable Ocean Infrastructure
ADBI and its conference partners are seeking applied and theoretical papers of practical policy relevance to ocean-related development, sustainability challenges, and policy solutions, with a special focus on ocean tourism.
Call for Papers on Economic and Strategic Impacts of Energy Supply and Transport Infrastructure Connecting Asia and Europe
ADBI invites paper submissions assessing the effects of infrastructure development connecting Asia and Europe and detailing recommendations to policy makers for fostering regional cooperation and integration.
Call for Papers on Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor: Infrastructure and Trade
ADBI invites original, unpublished paper submissions addressing Trans-Caspian transportation infrastructure and trade to be presented at a workshop at Manisa Celal Bayar University in Manisa, Turkey on 15-16 September 2020.
Call for Papers on Reforming Asian Utilities: Institutional Reforms for Boosting Private Investments
Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking related empirical papers for possible inclusion in a special issue of the journal Economic Analysis and Policy.
Call for Papers on Transport Infrastructure Development, Spillover Effects, and Quality of Life
ADBI in association with Chubu University invites submissions of original, unpublished papers on the quality of life implications of HSR infrastructure, the spillover effects of HSR infrastructure, the evaluation of HSR projects, etc.
Call for Papers on Resilience of Cities to External Shocks: Analysis, Modeling and Economic Impacts
ADBI, Purdue University, and the University of Tokyo are seeking research papers featuring sound theoretical backgrounds, quantitative analysis, case studies, and policy insights.
Call for Papers on Low-Carbon Finance and the Sustainable Development Goals
ADBI is seeking papers that analyse the relationship between investments consistent with climate–related SDGs and portfolio allocation as well as broader climate finance and investment issues.
Call for Papers on Integration of Renewable Energy in Energy Systems: Perspectives on Investment, Technology, and Policy
ADBI, UNiLAB on Integrated System Analysis Tools, and the Energy Studies Institute at National University of Singapore are seeking paper submissions that examine evidence-based policy recommendations for boosting renewable energy in Asia.
Call for Papers on Unlocking Private Investment in Sustainable Infrastructure in Asia
ADBI and the CAREC Institute are seeking original, unpublished papers that examine ways to unlock private investment in sustainable infrastructure in Asia, with an emphasis on CAREC countries.
Call for Papers on Electricity Markets in Transition: Privatization, Competition, and Regional Cooperation
ADBI and ADB are seeking paper submissions for a special issue of the journal Energy Economics highlighting electricity reform experiences and lessons learned.
Call for Papers on Environmental, Social, and Governance Investment: Opportunities and Risks for Asia
ADBI and the ASEAN-Japan Center welcome paper submissions exploring ESG investment benefits and risks, and its capacity to facilitate sustainable development in the region.
Call for Papers on Scaling Up Green Finance in Asia: The Role of Policies and Regulations
ADBI, the National University of Singapore’s Energy Studies Institute, and Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment invite paper submissions addressing green finance development in Asia.
Call for Papers on Investment in Startups and Small Business Financing
ADBI and KODIT invite submissions of original, unpublished thematic or case studies on new methods for bringing private investment (equity or debt) to startups and easing financing access (debt and capital) for small businesses.
Call for Papers on Trade, Global Value Chains and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Country-Level (Case) Study
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of paper proposals for the ADBI research project on Globalization and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Asia.
Call for Papers on Green Infrastructure Development in Asia: Investment, Financing and Economic Impacts
ADBI, SWUFE and Waseda University are seeking original research papers on investment, financing, and economic impacts of green infrastructure development in Asian economies.
Call for Papers on Macroeconomic Stabilization in the Digital Age
ADBI and Sim Kim Kee Boon Institute at the Singapore Management University are seeking original research paper submissions in any field related to macroeconomic stabilization in the digital age.
Call for Papers on Financial Consumers Conference
IAFICO is a global communication platform for scholars, regulators, and practitioners to present their latest research and share their thoughts about financial consumer protection as well as international development cooperation in finance.
Call for Papers on Economic Integration in Asia and Europe: Lessons and Recommended Policies
Journal of Economic Integration will publish a special issue on Economic Integration in Asia and Europe in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI).
Call for Papers on Economic Integration in Asia and Europe
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of original unpublished papers on economic integration in Asia and Europe: how it evolved, where it is headed, what the two regions have in common, and what their differences are.Call for Papers on Energy Efficiency Financing and Market-Based Instruments
ESI and ADBI jointly welcome papers featuring the policy design and effectiveness of financial and market-based instruments to promote energy efficiency financing.
Call for Papers on Asia and the Pacific Economies
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Xi’an Jiaotong–Liverpool University (XJTLU) invite submissions of papers for a 2-day seminar on topics related to Asia and the Pacific economies.
Call for Papers on Recent Advances in International Trade, Finance, and Business 2018
We are pleased to announce the third conference on international business and trade to be held during 16–18 December in Hong Kong, China. We welcome submissions in broadly defined areas of international trade, finance and business.
Call for Papers on Land Management in Asia: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Call for papers on land management and land transfer for sustainable development in Asia.
Call for Papers: How Digital Innovation Can Help Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Access Finance in Asia
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) will publish a book on the impact of digital innovation on SME finance.Call for Papers: Fintech, Social Finance, and Financial Stability
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI); the School of Management and Economics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK Shenzhen); and the Shenzhen Finance Institute (SFI) are sponsoring a conference on fintech, social finance, and financial stability in Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China, on 11–12 December 2018.Call for Papers: Spillover Effects of High-Speed Rail and Quality of Life
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of original unpublished papers on the spillover effects of high-speed rail (HSR) and evaluations of HSR projects, operations, and quality of life (QOL) implications, to be presented at a 2-day conference.Call for Papers: Labor Income Share in Asia: Conceptual Issues, Drivers, and Policy Implications
Call for papers for a research workshop on labor income share in Asia.
Call for Papers: Productivity, Corporate Governance, and Risk Management in the Digital Age
The workshop—cosponsored by the Centre for Asset Management Research & Investments (CAMRI), the Centre for Governance, Institutions & Organisations (CGIO), the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), and the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER)—will bring regional researchers together to learn about applied work focusing on Asia and the Pacific, and generate research spillovers and potential collaborations.Call for Papers: Technology and an Aging Workforce; Maximize the Gains from Longevity and Long Working Life
The Asian Development Bank will hold two events presenting empirical papers to deepen understanding of the implications of population aging and technology on productivity among countries in Asia.Call for Papers: Human Capital Development for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and the South Western University of Finance and Economics are jointly sponsoring a conference on Human Capital Development for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity, in Chengdu, People’s Republic of China, on 18–19 July 2018.Call for Papers: Toward Optimal Provision of Regional Public Goods in Asia and the Pacific
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and ADB Institute (ADBI) are co-organizing a 2-day international conference to be held at the ADBI, Tokyo, Japan on 9–10 May 2018.Call for Papers: Asia and the Pacific Economies
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Xi’an Jiaotong–Liverpool University (XJTLU) invite submissions of papers for a 2-day seminar on topics related to Asia and the Pacific economies.
Call for Papers: Role of Civil Society Organizations in Advancing the SDGs
Call for Paper Abstacts Closed on 31 January 2018.
Call for Papers: Water and Sanitation Insecurity in Asia
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of original unpublished papers on water and sanitation insecurity in Asia, to be published in a book.
Call for Papers: Achieving Energy Security in Asia: Diversification, Integration, and Policy Implications
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of original unpublished papers on energy security in Asia, to be published in a book.Call for Papers: Chu Hai Conference on Recent Advances in International Trade and Finance 2017
Chu Hai College of Higher Education will host it in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of Chu Hai University in Guangzhou in 1947.Call for Papers: Workshop on Empirical Research on Productivity and Innovation
The workshop will provide an opportunity to members of the network and other invited researchers to discuss state-of-the-art research on productivity, as well as the possibility of establishing concrete collaboration.
Call for Papers: Conference on Globalization, Development, and Economic and Financial Stability
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI); the School of Management and Economics (SME) of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen; and Shenzhen Finance Institute (SFI) are jointly sponsoring a conference on Globalization, Development, and Economic and Financial Stability. The conference will be held in Tokyo, Japan on 11–12 December 2017.
Call for Papers: Unlocking SME Finance in Asia: The Role of Credit Rating and Credit Guarantee Schemes
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of original unpublished papers on the role of credit rating and credit guarantee schemes for unlocking small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) finance in Asia, to be published in an edited book.
Call for Papers: International Conference on Supply-Side Support for SMEs
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for most employment and much of the production in emerging Asian economies.Call for Papers: Public and Private Investment in Human Capital Intergenerational Transfers in Asia–Deadline extended
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and the Asian Growth Research Institute (AGI) invite submissions of unpublished papers that focus on public and private investment in human capital and intergenerational transfers in Asia.
Call for Papers: Handbook of Green Finance: Energy Security and Sustainable Development
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of original unpublished papers on green finance, energy security, and sustainable development, to be published in a book.
Call for Papers: ADBI-IDB-WTO Conference on Trade Adjustment
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) together with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) invites submissions of unpublished original research papers looking at the topic of trade adjustment.
Call for Papers: Second Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network
The Japan Economy Network (JEN) and the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invite submissions of papers and extended abstracts for the Second Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network. This year’s theme is Japan and the Asian Economy.Call for Papers: ADBI-World Economy Workshop on Globalization and the Environment
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), in cooperation with World Economy, invites submissions of unpublished papers looking at Globalization and the Environment in Asia.Call for Papers: Asia and the Pacific Economies
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) joins Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) with special sessions on financial inclusion and regulation, the middle-income trap and industrial structure upgrading that broaden the scope of the research agenda.Call for Papers: Financial Regulations: Intermediation, Stability and Productivity (I)
The Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER) is considering a series of specialty conferences around the theme of “Financial Regulation, Financial Intermediation, and Economic Performance.” In this first call, – co-sponsored with the European Central Bank (ECB), the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank Institute and the National University of Singapore Business School (NUS-BIZ) - we are soliciting both theoretical and empirical papers related to the following topics:Call for Papers: The Middle Income Trap in Asia
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), collaborating with a number of institutions including the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS), invites submissions of unpublished papers that focus on middle income trap in Asia.
Call for Papers: Trade in the Digital Economy
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of unpublished papers on how the digitization of products and processes is impacting the trade-development relationship.
Call for Papers: Urbanization in Asia: Economic and Social Consequences
ADBI in cooperation with Sogang University invites submissions of unpublished papers on urbanization in Asia.
Call for Papers: The Implications of Ultra-Low and Negative Interest Rates for Asia
Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites the submission of theoretical and empirical papers on the implications of negative interest rates for emerging Asia.
Call for Papers: Developing Credit Databases and Credit Scoring for Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Promoting Start-Up Businesses
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submission of theoretical and empirical papers on developing credit databases and credit scoring for MSMEs and promoting start-up businesses.
Call for Papers: Aging in Asia
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Asian Growth Research Institute (AGI) invite submissions of unpublished papers that focus on issues relating to aging in developing Asia.
Call for Papers: Conference on Global and Regional Financial Architecture and Global Shocks
Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), in cooperation with S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, invites submissions of original, unpublished papers on any aspect of global and regional financial architecture and global shocks.
Call for Papers: Structural Transformation and Inclusive Growth
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) invites submissions of unpublished papers that focus on structural transformation and inclusive growth.
Call for Papers: Overweight and Obesity in Asia and the Pacific: Determinants, Consequences, and Policies for Better Health
ADBI are looking for original/unpublished scientific papers that shed new light on the topic “Overweight and Obesity in Asia and the Pacific.”
Call for Papers: Sources of Income Inequality in Asia
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), in cooperation with the journal World Economy, invites submissions of unpublished papers that focus on income inequality in developing Asia
Call for Papers: Asia and the Pacific Economies
ADBI and XJTLU invite submissions for a 2-day seminar on topics related to Asia and the Pacific economies. We are looking for original research papers in the field of theoretical, empirical, and experimental economic and business issues.
Call for Papers: Urbanization and Infrastructure in Asia
ADBI, NSFC, CHLR, and CER invite submissions of unpublished papers that focus on urbanization and infrastructure in developing Asia.
Call for Papers: The Middle Income Trap in Asia and PRC Growth Slowdown
The Asian Development Bank Institute, in collaboration with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, invites submissions of unpublished papers on the subject of ”Middle Income Trap in Asia and PRC Growth Slowdown”.
Call for Papers: Escaping the Middle-Income Trap: Urbanization, Structural Change, and Sustainable Development in Asia
Asian Development Bank Institute and the National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Project invite submissions of unpublished papers which address any aspect of the middle-income trap issue in Asia.
Call for Papers: Macroeconomic Shocks and Economic Growth in Asia
The US is expected to normalize its monetary policy soon, with profound implications for global financial conditions and capital flows. Meanwhile, recovery in the EU and Japan remains unclear.
Call for Papers: SMEs in Developing Asia: New Approaches to Overcoming Market Failures
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is pleased to announce a two-day workshop to discuss the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Asia.Call for Papers: The Impacts of a Possible Growth Slowdown in the PRC on Asia
The experience of Japan, Korea and Taipei,China raises the question of whether the PRC’s economy has reached a stage where its medium or long-run growth is starting to slow down significantly.
Call for Papers: Central and Local Government Relations: Fiscal Sustainability
Sustainable and inclusive growth requires continued public investment in infrastructure, education, health and social services. These responsibilities, especially with regard to infrastructure investment, need to be devolved increasingly.