Operational Procurement
ADB procures goods, works, and services from external suppliers for its development projects and programs, and engages consultants to help prepare studies, appraisals, and reports.
ADB engages individual consultants and consulting entities (firms, universities, NGOs, etc.) for a wide range of assignments. For example, consulting entities are retained for pre-investment, sector, or other studies, detailed design, contract preparation, and project supervision. Individual consultants, whether hired directly or through consulting entities, provide expert advice and help the ADB to prepare studies, appraisals, and reports.
The ADB Procurement Policy applies to all projects with concept notes approved on or after 1 July 2017.
The regulations apply to all projects with concept notes approved on or after 1 July 2017.
The Consulting Services Operations Manual and User's Guide for Submission Forms (Loans/Grants) are currently being revised.
The updated documents and forms are available on the ADB Business Center's Documents on Consulting Services for Technical Assistance.
The updated documents and forms are available on the ADB Business Center's Documents for Recruitment of Firms and Individual Consultants by Executing Agencies.
The List of Shortlisted Firms – Consulting Services provides the list of each project's shortlisted firms that were invited to submit proposals. ADB posts the names of these shortlisted firms for the information of consultants who wish to associate with them. Consultants not shortlisted but interested in participating through association should contact the firms directly. Please do not contact ADB for that purpose.
Contracts awarded for consulting services with contract value above US$0.1 million.