Safeguard Policy Review

A source for the latest important information on the environmental and social safeguard policy review, development, and consultation process.

Draft Environmental and Social Framework (ESF)

ADB proposes the Environmental and Social Framework which will comprise of the following four parts: (i) Vision; (ii) Environmental and Social Policy; (iii) Environmental and Social Standard (ESSs); and (iv) Prohibited Investment Activities List.

The ten Environmental and Social Standards establish the mandatory performance standards that borrowers/clients are required to meet throughout the project cycle.

ADB invites stakeholders to send written comments through email or through this web form. The deadline for submission of written comments has been extended to 6 May 2024. If you prefer to provide comments offline, you may download the word version of this form and submit by email.

Due to the expected high number of feedback, ADB will not be able to respond individually to all comments. Stakeholder inputs from the consultations, and feedback received through various platforms will be documented. The stakeholder consultations summaries will be disclosed on the website.

Consultation Documents and Resources

Proposed Policy Draft Document Brochures
Environmental and Social Framework (Working Paper) English  
Consultation Draft for Environmental and Social Framework (Full Document) English
Overview of the Environmental and Social Framework English  
Vision English  
Environmental and Social Policy English  
ESS 1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts English
ESS 2: Labor and Working Conditions English
ESS 3: Resource Conservation and Pollution Prevention English
ESS 4: Health, Safety and Security English
ESS 5: Land Acquisition and Land Use Restriction English
ESS 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resources Management English
ESS 7: Indigenous Peoples English
ESS 8: Cultural Heritage English
ESS 9: Climate Change English
ESS 10: Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure English
ADB Prohibited Investment Activities English  
Definitions for ESF English  
Environmental and Social Requirements for Financing Modalities and Products English