Publications and Documents
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The Economic and Political Updates set out the political and economic changes in Asian Development Bank's member countries.
This edition's theme chapter assesses the effectiveness of the unconditional food relief program implemented during the COVID-19 crisis.
This edition features a special analysis of the effect of remittances on financial development, investment, and economic growth in Nepal. It highlights the importance of shifting from consumption-led growth to investment-led growth strategy.
This edition of macroeconomic update's theme chapter sheds light on achievements of trade policy 2015 vis-à-vis some of its key objectives and suggests policy recommendations to strengthen Nepal's export competitiveness.
This Update provides forecasts for FY2021 and FYI 2022 growth, inflation and current account balance while analyzing Nepal’s macroeconomic performance in FY2020.
This Update provides forecasts for FY2021 growth, inflation and current account balance while analyzing Nepal’s macroeconomic performance in FY2020.
Nepal’s economy grew to an estimated 7.1% in FY2019. GDP growth will likely moderate to 5.3% in FY2020 largely owing to the global outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.
This Economic Update provides the economic status of Maldives in 2018, its midyear economic review in various sectors, and economic outlook in 2019–2020.
Nepal's economy expanded by 7.1% in FY2019. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is forecast to remain strong at 6.3% in FY2020. Average annual inflation is expected to rise to 5.5% in FY2020 from 4.6% in FY2019.
Nepal’s economy is anticipated to grow at 6.2% in fiscal year (FY) 2019 and 6.3% in FY2020. Inflation is projected to rise to 4.4% in FY2019 from 4.2% in FY2018.