Asia and the Pacific can only realize its climate goals if it pursues a transition away from coal-based energy in the near term. To accelerate this transition in the region, ADB is working with regional and international partners to support, study, and pilot a scalable Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM).
ADB, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP), and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) today announced their intent to establish a blended finance partnership to accelerate the energy transition at scale in Asia.
The 660-megawatt coal plant Cirebon-1 in Indonesia will likely be retired almost 7 years earlier than scheduled as a result of discussions with the plant’s owners and the Government of Indonesia under the Energy Transition Mechanism program of ADB.
Over the past several months, significant progress has been made in ADB's ETM pilot countries. While ETM is scalable and replicable, the unique characteristics of each country require a range of ETM models. ADB is working extensively with stakeholders in participating countries to set up and tailor individual ETM programs.
ADB has begun exploring opportunities to accelerate the retirement of coal and other fossil fuel plants in Kazakhstan and replace or repurpose them with clean energy under the bank’s ETM program.
The battle against climate change will be won or lost in Asia and the Pacific. If emissions from existing coal power plants are not addressed, the region will fail to meet the Paris Agreement targets.
ETM is a scalable, collaborative initiative developed in partnership with developing member countries (DMCs) that will leverage a market-based approach to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy.
Public and private investments—from governments, multilateral banks, private sector investors, philanthropies, and long-term investors—will finance country-specific ETM funds to retire coal power assets on an earlier schedule than if they remained with their current owners.
ETM will be a win for the climate, a win for local communities, and a win for developing economies. It will significantly shorten the life of legacy coal-fired power plants and unlock new investments in sustainable and renewable energy.
Countries participating in ETM will be able to reach more ambitious emissions targets than under their current commitments.
Speeding up the retirement of coal-fired electricity will increase the demand for clean energy by 2-3 times, lowering overall energy costs in the long run.
ETM will help unlock or “crowd in” investment in cost-effective renewable generation and support and enable clean technologies, such as smart grids, hydrogen, and electric vehicles.
ETM has the potential to be scaled up to other parts of Asia and the Pacific, as well as Latin America and Africa, which could drive significant reductions in global emissions.
ADB’s work on ETM will prioritize safeguards and a just transition, including high level consultations to avoid adverse impacts on the environment and people, and a commitment that the move toward renewable and sustainable economies will leave no community, industry, or worker behind.
Country | Location | Event | Date |
Philippines | Manila | First Stakeholder Engagement Meeting on the Philippines’ CIF ACT Investment Plan | 4 August 2023 |
Indonesia | Jakarta | 4th Indonesia Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) National Workshop | 15 August 2023 |
Philippines | Manila | Second Stakeholder Engagement Meeting on the Philippines’ CIF ACT Investment Plan | 22 September 2023 |
Indonesia | Jakarta | 5th Indonesia Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) National Workshop | 25 October 2023 |
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ADB is in discussions with Cirebon Electric Power (CEP) and partners in Indonesia to explore the early retirement
of the first coal-fired power plant under the ETM program.
On November 14, ADB signed an MOU with CEP, PT PLN (Persero), Indonesia’s state-owned power utility; and the Indonesian Investment Authority (INA), to begin discussions for the early retirement of Cirebon-1, a 660 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant in West Java. The existing Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with PLN expires in 2042. The MOU represents a major breakthrough for ADB’s ETM, which seeks to use blended finance to help Asia and the Pacific accelerate the retirement or repurposing of power plants that use coal and other fossil fuels and replace them with clean energy.
Cirebon-1 was chosen for several reasons. Firstly, it has the right combination of an interested owner, being a middle-aged plant, and having a financial structure that was suitable for refinancing. Secondly, the project company already has an active corporate social responsibility program, is engaged with the community, and is therefore suited to ensure the coal plant will be retired with strong just transition considerations. While each ETM transaction will have specific characteristics, ADB believes this is a great model case that can be replicated with other independent power producers.
Should a deal be agreed to, the financing is expected to be a blended structure, including both concessional capital and capital from ADB's Private Sector Operations Department. The concessional funds will likely include donor-supported funds from ADB’s ETM Partnership Trust Fund as well as a portion of the recently approved Indonesia allocation from the Climate Investment Fund’s Accelerating Coal Transition window. The transaction structure is not yet finalized and a number of financial entities and philanthropies have expressed interest in participating in the transaction. ADB hopes to finalize a deal by the end of 2023.
ETM is committed to accelerating the retirement or repurposing of coal-fired power plants and replacing them with clean energy. ADB and PLN have agreed to develop a plan for the replacement power that would be lost when this plant is retired. Several renewable technologies, as well as distribution and transmission system upgrades, are being considered. As renewable energy and battery storage costs continue to decrease, there is optimism that replacement electricity can be done at a cost that is equal to, or lower, than contracted tariffs. Key considerations will include the fact that the existing plant provides baseload power, contrasted with solar and wind technologies that provide power only when the sun shines or the wind blows.
ADB is in discussions with a number of coal-fired power plant owners in Indonesia and the Philippines about exploring early retirements but cannot provide more details at this time due to non-disclosure agreements. ADB is also working with a number of stakeholders, including Indonesia’s sovereign wealth fund, INA, as well as industry associations, to find other potential transactions that can accelerate the transition from coal and other fossil fuels to clean energy.
5 Dec 2023
3 Dec 2023
17 Nov 2022
17 Nov 2022
14 Nov 2022
3 Nov 2021
3 Nov 2021
1 Nov 2021
5 Dec 2023 | The Business Times
3 Dec 2023 | Reuters
23 Jun 2023 | GreenBiz
9 Mar 2023 | Penta
16 Nov 2022 | Reuters
31 Aug 2022 | The Diplomat
2 Jun 2022 | The Wall Street Journal
19 Jan 2022 | Project Syndicate
3 Nov 2021 | Bloomberg