No results were found for your search. A more general set of search terms may provide better results.
Following are a few tips that may help you get better results:
- Keep it simple. When looking for a particular document or project name, just enter its title, or as much of the title as you can recall. Most often, good simple search terms are enough to find the document that you need.
- Consider how the page you are looking for will be written. Use the words that are most likely to appear on the page. For example, instead of searching for the effect of ADB operation on developing countries, look for impact of ADB.
- Be as concise as possible, but no more than that. The goal of each word in a query is to focus it further. Since all words are used, each additional word limits the results. If you limit too much, you will miss a lot of useful information. The main advantage to starting with fewer keywords is that, if you don't find what you need, the results will likely give you a good indication of what additional words are needed to refine your results on the next search. For example, energy specialist vacancy will likely give more specific results than vacancies and will likely give better results than energy specialist employment post in the Asian Development Bank.
- Choose descriptive words. The more unique the word is, the more likely you are to get relevant results. Words that are not very descriptive, like document, website, company, or info, are usually not needed. Also remember to make use of the proper terms as used in the Asian Development Bank. While we try to keep organization-specific jargon to a minimum, the chances of getting highly relevant results become higher when using proper context-specific terms. For example, instead of looking for poor countries, it is better to search for developing countries.
- Try other terms. If a particular search term fails to give you the documents you are looking for, try other synonyms or more general words.
If you still cannot find the right documents, let us know so we can try to help.