Project Results and Case Studies
Highlights of successful ADB projects and case studies on how to achieve their targets.
The gender results provide an overview of gender issues, design features, and implementation arrangements that contribute to achieving gender-related targets in ADB projects.
ADB provided a loan of $22.9 million in 2018 to support affordable housing finance in Georgia. The ADB loan has helped 13,320 women heading rural households with home renovation requirements and empowered them to lead their families financially.
Созданные при поддержке АБР центры развития женского предпринимательства в Казахстане предоставили возможности обучения и налаживания связей более 7 000 женщинам.
ADB-supported Women Entrepreneurship Development Centers in Kazakhstan have provided training and networking opportunities to around 7,000 women.
Approved in 2014 with initial grant funding of $5 million from ADB and additional grant financing of $750,000 from Australia, the project supports the commercial production and export of agricultural products and value-added agricultural products.
In recent decades, Bangladesh has emerged as a leading textile exporter globally due to its low labor cost and high-quality products.
Papua New Guinea (PNG) has the largest gender gap in financial inclusion in the Pacific region, with women 29% less likely than men to have access to formal financial services.
ADB supports the Philippine government’s vision to bring back the culture of rail transport in the country through the Malolos-Clark Railway and South Commuter Railway projects.
ADB extended assistance to Lao PDR to implement the Greater Mekong Subregion Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project, which provided training and preparation on crop production and farm productivity in both dry and wet seasons.
ADB’s private sector investment supported the expansion of RBL Bank’s Saksham and Unnati programs, which combines access to loans with financial inclusion and financial literacy improvement.
ADB’s Second Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project and its Additional Financing, implemented from 2009 to 2020, paved the way for major changes in Dil’s village. It also benefitted other villages across six provinces around Tonle Sap Lake, where many of Cambodia’s poorest people live.
The various stages from country programming to project completion and evaluation are known collectively as ADB's project cycle.
ADB provides financing for projects that will effectively contribute to the economic and social development of the country concerned and have the strongest poverty reduction impact in conformity with the country and ADB strategies.