Funds and Resources
ADB offers loans, grants, and technical assistance from Special Funds, Trust Funds, and other sources to help reduce poverty in Asia’s poorest countries.
The Health Financing Partnership Facility was set up in 2013 to improve health outcomes in developing member countries (DMCs). It is an umbrella operational arrangement to enhance administrative coordination and efficiency, and it is not a legal entity or structure. It will mobilize cofinancing from development partner agencies, the private sector, and foundations to support the implementation of ADB's Operational Plan of Health under Strategy 2020.
The facility includes two funds, (i) the Regional Malaria and Other Communicable Disease Threats Trust Fund, and (ii) the Cooperation Fund for Fighting HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.
The facility provides grant funds for technical assistance and investments to:
The facility is a key mechanism for coordinating existing and new resources aimed at promoting health. It encompasses:
The facility is open to all ADB DMCs with special emphasis on reducing the spread of drug-resistant malaria in the Mekong region.
Australia, Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom support the HFPF.