Accountability Mechanism
The Accountability Mechanism of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) exists to provide an independent and effective forum for those affected by ADB-assisted projects to voice their concerns.
ADB's Accountability Mechanism is the last resort for raising issues and addressing problems. Project-affected people (complainants) must first contact the concerned ADB operations department and try to resolve their issues and complaints. If they are not satisfied with the solutions offered by ADB staff, they can file a complaint with the Complaint Receiving Officer (CRO) to reach the Special Project Facilitator (SPF) or the Compliance Review Panel (CRP) as a last resort.
Complaints may be submitted in any of the official or national languages of ADB’s developing member countries. Additional time, however, will be required for translation. The working language of the Accountability Mechanism is English.
Complainants are welcome to file the complaint in their own words without following the sample complaint letter or form, but should provide the required minimum information listed below.
Complaints will not be entertained if they are:
Complaints Registry: Accountability Mechanism See the list
Complaint Receiving Officer
Accountability Mechanism
Asian Development Bank
6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550
Metro Manila, Philippines
The single point of entry for complaints and serves as the first contact for project-affected people under ADB’s Accountability Mechanism. After filing a complaint, there are two options available.
Note: Other ADB departments should forward complaints received to the CRO.
Note: If the complaint needs to be returned, the CRO resends the information packet to explain the two available functions.