
ADB works with Global Affairs Canada (formerly Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development), which manages Canada’s diplomatic and consular relations, encourages Canadian international trade, and leads Canada’s international development and humanitarian assistance.

At a Glance

Cumulative Project-Specific Cofinancing

$234.8 million


Cumulative Trust Funds Contribution

$265.6 million


2020 Trust Funds Contribution

  • $24.1 million

Canada’s priority themes are promoting gender equality; increasing food security (food aid and nutrition) through sustainable agricultural development, particularly for small-scale farmers and women; securing the future of children and youth, access to quality education, plus maternal and child health; stimulating sustainable and inclusive economic growth, building economic foundations, and growing businesses; and integrating innovations in international assistance.

Canada’s priority sectors for development assistance are gender, governance, private sector development, and health, while special attention is given to fragile and conflict-affected and small island developing states.

As of December 2020, ADB’s Trade Finance Program (TFP) has supported 153 Canadian export and import transactions (through Canadian and non-Canadian banks) to developing Asia valued at over $80 million. Exports and imports were to nine countries, but mostly to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam. Isolating TFP’s work with Canadian banks, the TFP works with three banks domiciled in Canada and has provided guarantees supporting $656.3 million in trade in over 214 transactions. It has mobilized $153.4 million in cofinancing with Canada-based banks. This cofinancing helps leverage ADB resources and brings more support for developing members.

Active Trust Funds

1 January 2014–31 December 2020 Cofinanced Projects
Country Project Cofinancing Amount ($ million) Type of Cofinancinga
Bangladesh Support to Primary Education Development (Supplementary) 1.2 TA
Bhutan Climate-Resilient Hazelnut Value Chain 1.3 TA
Cambodia Cambodia Solar Power 3.3 L
Georgia Adjaristsqali Hydropower 15 L
Indonesia Banten and South Sulawesi Wind Power Development 0.5 TA
Eastern Indonesia Renewable Energy – Phase 1 8.1 L
Eastern Indonesia Renewable Energy – Phase 2 21.9 L
Institutional Capacity Building of Indonesia Eximbank (Supplementary) 0.2 TA
Sarulla Geothermal Power Development 20 L
Myanmar Strengthening Climate and Disaster Resilience of Myanmar Communities 7.5 TA
Mongolia Sermsang Khunsight Kundi Solar 0.2 TA
Philippines Support for Post Typhoon Yolanda Disaster Needs Assessment and Response (Supplementary) 0.2 TA
Support for the Nationwide Rollout of JobStart Philippines (Supplementary) 7.5 TA
Samoa Development of Solar Power IPP 0.2 TA
Solar Power Development 1 L
Viet Nam Greater Mekong Subregion Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation – Additional Financing 1.8 G
Regional ASEAN Distributed Power 20 L
Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector 1 TA
Enhanced Use of Disaster Risk Information for Decision Making in Southeast Asia 3.1 TA
Knowledge and Innovation Support for ADB's Water Financing Program—Supplementary 0.2 TA
Olam International Limited: Inclusive, Sustainable, and Connected Coffee Value Chain (Subproject 1) 0.1 TA
Olam International Limited: Inclusive, Sustainable, and Connected Coffee Value Chain (Subproject 2) 0.2 TA
Second Greater Mekong Subregion Corridor Towns Development (Supplementary) 0.4 TA
Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Selected Urban Areas of Southeast Asia 0.03 TA
Strengthening Disaster Resilience of Small and Medium Enterprises in Southeast Asia 0.2 TA
Support to Community-Based Disaster Risk Management in Southeast Asia (Supplementary) 0.8 TA
Legal Readiness for Climate Finance and Climate Investments (Supplementary) 0.1 TA
Scoping of Community Resilience Partnership Program (Supplementary) 0.2 TA

a G = official grant cofinancing, L = official loan cofinancing, TA = technical assistance cofinancing

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