United States of America

The United States’ (US) main development office is the United States Agency for International Development. Its development support prioritizes agriculture, democracy and governance, economic growth, environment, education and training, global health, global partnerships, and humanitarian assistance. It aims to support broadly shared economic prosperity, strengthen democracy and good governance, improve global health, food security, environmental sustainability and education, help societies prevent and recover from conflicts, and provide humanitarian assistance in the wake of natural and human-made disasters.

At a Glance

Cumulative Project-Specific Cofinancing

$22.9 million


Cumulative Trust Funds Contribution

$154.6 million


2020 Project-Specific Cofinancing

  • $2 million

The country supports three active trust funds with ADB to date: the Cooperation Fund for Regional Trade and Financial Security Initiatives, which focuses on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing and supporting port and airport security; the Afghanistan Infrastructure Trust Fund, which provides an opportunity for bilateral, multilateral, and individual contributors to partner with ADB in financing infrastructure investments and improve the livelihood of the Afghan people; and the Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund under the Urban Financing Partnership Facility,  which works to reduce the risks poor and vulnerable people face from floods, storms, or droughts.

The US supports ADB’s private sector operations by cofinancing nonsovereign projects and partnering with the Trade Finance Program (TFP) and the Microfinance Risk Participation and Guarantee Program. From 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2020, private entities domiciled in the US had provided $1.8 billion in cofinancing for 15 nonsovereign projects.

ADB’s TFP had also supported 892 American export and import transactions (through American and non-American banks) to developing Asia valued at over $811.8 million as of December 2020. Exports and imports were to 12 countries, but mostly to Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Viet Nam. Isolating TFP’s work with American banks, the TFP works with 12 banks domiciled in the United States and has provided guarantees supporting $18.1 billion in trade in over 11,110 transactions. The TFP has mobilized $6.3 billion in cofinancing with banks operating in the US. This cofinancing helps leverage ADB resources and brings more support for developing members.

The country’s involvement with the Microfinance Risk Participation and Guarantee Program was implemented through a risk participation agreement with Citibank NA.

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