Investor Relations

A leading triple-A borrower, ADB raises funds regularly through bond issues in international and domestic capital markets, reflecting strong credit fundamentals and conservative financial policies.

In the Spotlight

  • Statutory Reports and Official Records

    Investor Presentation

    The ADB Investor Presentation provides an overview of the Asian Development Bank, its operations, and other information relevant to prospective investors.

  • Brochures and Flyers

    ADB Theme Bonds for Sustainable Development

    This issue covers sustainable development challenges in Asia and the Pacific, ADB's strategies for addressing these challenges, and the role that theme bonds play in supporting sustainable development initiatives.

  • Article

    Q&A: Jonathan Grosvenor on Mobilizing Capital for Asia’s Development through Local Currency Bonds

    ADB Assistant Treasurer Jonathan Grosvenor shares ADB’s plans for issuing local currency bonds in its developing member countries, and how this can help promote local capital market development.

  • Video

    The Blue SEA Finance Hub

    The Blue SEA Finance Hub (BSFH) will serve as an “institutional base to proactively grow the Blue Economy in ASEAN” with the involvement of several other ADB units as well as external partners such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

ADB as a Borrower

A leading triple-A borrower, ADB raises funds regularly through international capital markets.

ADB’s overriding borrowing objective is to ensure availability of funds at the most stable and lowest possible cost for the benefit of its OCR borrowers. Subject to this objective, ADB seeks to diversify its sources of funding across markets, instruments, and maturities, and has so far issued bonds in 48 currencies.

ADB pursues a strategy of:

  • issuing liquid benchmark bonds to maintain a strong presence in key currency bond markets; and
  • raising funds through bonds issued in both public and private placement format in various currency markets.

ADB also seeks to develop domestic capital markets in its developing member countries through local currency borrowings and derivative activities.

  • Photo: Asian Development Bank

    ADB Debt Products

    ADB's borrowing proceeds finance Ordinary Capital Resources operations, including development projects and programs within its developing members with the aim of reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific region.

  • Photo: Asian Development Bank

    Credit Fundamentals

    ADB's capital structure provides the greatest levels of security for fixed income investors, as a result of strong governance and conservative financial management, supported by a strong balance sheet, and backed by sovereign shareholders.

  • Image: ADB Green and Blue Bonds

    ADB Green and Blue Bonds

    Green bonds include investments that support climate change mitigation and adaptation. Blue bonds include investments that contribute to marine and coastal ecosystem management and restoration, pollution control for marine and coastal environments, and sustainable coastal and marine development.

  • ADB Theme Bonds

    ADB Theme Bonds

    ADB launched its first theme bond for sustainable development in 2010. The projects funded by theme bonds are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations on quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, and good health.


Fast Facts

  • 263 million*

    People living in extreme poverty or below $1.90/day
  • 400 million

    Asians lacking electricity
  • 1.5 billion

    Asians lacking basic sanitation
  • 300 million

    People with no access to safe drinking water

Source: Strategy 2030: Achieving a Prosperous, Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable Asia and the Pacific

*ADB estimates based on World Bank's PovcalNet database, as of March 2020