Results 81 to 100 of 242
- ADB’s operations in the Pacific help provide essential services to growing urban populations for water supply, wastewater, and solid waste management.
- Financial markets in the Pacific are generally underdeveloped, and many people do not have access to basic financial services, especially in rural areas.
- The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative is working with Pacific governments to create simplified, modern, and locally-tailored business laws.
- The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative is designing women-friendly laws and implementing pilot projects to allow women in the Pacific to realize their full potential.
- The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) supports reforms to improve the business environment, encouraging prosperity through inclusive economic growth.
- The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative works with Pacific governments to improve the performance of state-owned enterprises.
- Pacific island countries need to invest in niche markets, upgrade their transport infrastructure, and improve access to trade to foster sustainable economic growth.
- For Pacific countries, developing high-value niche products for export such as coffee, vanilla, and chocolate, opens up promising economic opportunities.
- Renewable energy is a crucial step toward sustainable development in Pacific island countries (PICs).
- This brochure provides an overview of the Asian Development Bank's work in the Pacific supported by the Pacific Subregional Office.
- Despite adequate liquidity, commercial banks in the Pacific are often reluctant to extend business credit, which is a serious constraint to business operations and broader economic development.
- This study maps out the major weaknesses of each fragile situation on the latest country performance assessment exercises and identifies overall common issues that need special attention.
- Social insurance continues to be the dominant component of social protection expenditures in Pacific island countries at 1.2% of GDP per capita, accounting for almost two-thirds of the overall Social Protection Index for the Pacific region.
- The country operations business plan (COBP) 2017–2019 for Kiribati is aligned with ADB’s Pacific Approach, 2016–2020, which serves as the country partnership strategy, and the Midterm Review of Strategy 2020. The COBP supports the goals and objectives of the Kiribati Development Plan, 2016–2019.
- Set within the context of growing levels of urbanization in contemporary Pacific towns and cities, this publication explains the nature of “urban villages”.
- To implement the designation of eligible Asian Development Fund (ADF) loans as concessional ordinary capital resources (OCR) loans following the approval of the ADF-OCR merger by ADB's Board of Governors, it is necessary to amend the respective Legal Agreements. This letter agreement effective 1 January 2017 applies to the ADF loans made by ADB to Kiribati, as referred to in this document dated 3 October 2016.
- This study of state-owned enterprises performance in the Pacific emphasizes political commitment to reform as a key driver for commercial results.
- The Pacific Approach, 2016–2020 serves as the operational framework of ADB for the Pacific region and the overall country partnership strategy for the 11 smaller Pacific island countries.
- This issue of the Pacific Economic Monitor updates the 2016 and 2017 GDP growth and inflation projections ADB's Pacific developing member countries. The theme of the policy briefs in this issue is Fisheries in Pacific Economies.
- Transport is an essential component of economic development for Pacific developing economies. This document provides an update on ADB's Pacific Transport projects and assistance for 2015.