Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (FCAS) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
Developing context-specific tailored support for FCAS and SIDS is a critical element in ADB’s approach to helping build resilience and secure lasting stability and development in the most vulnerable environments.
As more of the world’s extreme poor become concentrated in just a handful of countries classified as fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCAS), ADB increasingly recognizes that a one-size-fits-all approach is rarely suitable in such contexts. ADB’s Strategy 2030 calls for differentiated approaches to development work in FCAS, small island developing states (SIDS), and subnational pockets of poverty and fragility, where results have lagged. ADB has committed to improving its operations in such contexts.
For inquiries, send an email to:
Steven Goldfinch
Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Prabhjot Khan
Senior Social Development Officer (Gender and Development)
Rose Mckenzie
Principal Operations Coordination Specialist (Fragile Situations)
Wilhelmina Paz
Economist (Regional Cooperation)
Girard Pacifico Marin
Security and Emergency Services Specialist
Neil Hickey
Senior Communications Specialist
Reddy Bathula
Regional Head, Operations Coordination
Kaukab Naqvi
Senior Economist
Dhivya Ravikumar
Markets Development Advisory Specialist
Siddhartha Shah
Director, Markets Development Advisory Division 2
Peter Whelan
Principal Risk Management Specialist
David Hill
Tahmeen Ahmad
Senior Financial Management Specialist
Luke Fochtman
Senior Procurement Specialist
Delaney Miriam
FM Officer (SERD)
David Barton
Principal Investment Specialist
Alix Burrell
Principal Investment Specialist
Paul Flegler
Principal Investment Specialist
Ali Malik
Investment Specialist
Jan Hansen
Principal Economist
Thiam Hee Ng
Charlotte Schou-Zibell
Emma Allen
Senior Country Economist
Kavita Iyengar
Joel Mangahas
Principal Country Specialist
Sunil Mitra
Country Director
Sonomi Tanaka
Country Director
ADB placed on hold its assistance in Afghanistan effective 15 August 2021. ADB Statement on Afghanistan | Asian Development Bank.
ADB placed on hold its assistance in Myanmar effective 1 February 2021. ADB Statement on Myanmar | Asian Development Bank.