Accountability Mechanism

The Accountability Mechanism of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) exists to provide an independent and effective forum for those affected by ADB-assisted projects to voice their concerns.

ADB's Accountability Mechanism

Knowledge and Resources: Accountability Mechanism

Evidence-based lessons learned from complaints escalated to ADB’s Accountability Mechanism shapes the bank's related knowledge products and services, nurtures the capacity of staff and development partners, and strengthens its Development Effectiveness.


Knowledge Management

Aims to help make the mechanism’s knowledge products and services as accessible and meaningful to its target audiences as possible, encouraging their uptake and application in future work.


Aims to strengthen awareness of the mechanism as a resource for enhancing ADB’s development effectiveness through improved project design and implementation.


An updated Accountability Mechanism Policy in 2012 created a one-stop shop to facilitate easier access for complainants. All matters were now channeled through a complaint receiving officer, who helped complainants clarify which function they wished to access.

  More Accountability Mechanism Policies, Strategies, and Plans

Lessons, Stories, and Training


Changed Lives

  • D. Enkh-Amgalan was affected by the Ulaanbaatar Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program. She bought an apartment with her compensation money and also completed accountant's training under ADB's Livelihood Support technical assistance program.

  • T. Sarantuya was affected by the Ulaanbaatar Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program and engaged actively in the complaint resolution. After receiving compensation, she resettled and acquired new equipment with support from ADB's Livelihood Support Program, improving her sewing business.

  • T. Chanteth took a livelihood training in ADB’s income restoration project after being affected by the Greater Mekong Subregion Rehabilitation of the Railway in Cambodia Project. He found a stable job as a receptionist at a local hotel, with regular income for daily expenses and small debt repayments.