Indonesia and ADB

ADB supports Indonesia to emerge stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic by focusing on improving well-being, accelerating economic recovery, and strengthening resilience.

Latest Country Strategies and Business Plans

The country partnership strategy (CPS) is ADB's primary platform for designing operations to deliver development results at the country level. ADB works with each developing member country to map out a medium-term development strategy and a 3-year country operations business plan (COBP) to implement it.


Perspectives on Indonesia Translations in Bahasa Indonesia

Contact: Indonesia Resident Mission (IRM)

The Plaza Office Tower, 11th Floor, Jl. MH Thamrin 28-30, Central Jakarta, Indonesia 10350

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

Jiro Tominaga (Mr)
Country Director
Renadi Budiman (Mr)
Deputy Country Director
Anna Fink (Ms)
Country Strategy and Program Focal Point
Joris Van Etten (Mr)
Country Portfolio Focal Point
Andri Suryo (Mr)
External Relations Focal Point
Naning Mardiniah (Ms)
Civil Society Focal Point