In 2023, ADB and the Government of Kazakhstan celebrate the 10th anniversary of knowledge cooperation within the framework of the Joint Knowledge and Experience Exchange Program (KEEP). As a trusted government knowledge partner, ADB facilitates the sharing of international best practices, experiences, and innovations requested by the ministries and agencies. Over the decade, KEEP supported knowledge solutions and capacity-building activities in the fields of public audit, finance, civil service, green technologies, bioengineering, anti-money laundering, agriculture, e-commerce, venture capital, energy storage, and others.


In the very heart of Central Asia there is a country that shapes the future through its vision of reforms. Kazakhstan is a land of opportunity, progress and innovation. Kazakhstan became the first country in Central Asia to join the Asian Development Bank, marking this significant milestone in 1994.

Kazakhstan's cooperation with ADB rapidly evolved from small-scale projects in basic infrastructure for education and social protection to larger–scale logistics infrastructure projects – and, finally, to initiatives focused on knowledge creation and skill enhancement – transitioning towards a knowledge economy.

In 2013, the Government of Kazakhstan and the Asian Development Bank signed a memorandum of cooperation within the framework of the Knowledge and Experience Exchange Program. This initiative became one of the key instruments for further strengthening the partnership between the two sides.

Over the course of ten years of implementing the Knowledge and Experience Exchange Program, the Asian Development Bank, together with the Government of Kazakhstan, allocated 8.5 million dollars to conduct a wide range of research and capacity building activities aimed at enhancing qualifications of government officials. The program responds to the needs of government’s ministries and agencies in various fields – ranging from economics and finance to energy, from combating corruption to developing statistics, and from taxation and public audit to project management.

Since 2015, over the course of 6 years, the Program has been supporting the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan in implementing accrual budgeting.

Dauren Kenbeil, Vice Minister of Finance, Alternate ADB Governor for Kazakhstan
"ADB is our important strategic partner. Thanks to the Knowledge and Experience Exchange Program, we have received support with implementing the reform of introducing elements of accrual-based budgeting. This method enables informed decision-making regarding resource allocation, revenue generation, and cost control, as it provides immediate clarity of the long-term financial implications of decisions." 

"In 2021, with the support of the Asian Development Bank, the first forecast consolidated financial statement was prepared and presented as an appendix to the draft republican budget for 2021-2023."

Significant efforts have also been made within the framework of the Program to strengthen the public audit. Since the early days of the Program in Kazakhstan, employees of the Supreme Audit Chamber regularly undergo training on international financial reporting and auditing standards.

Natalya Godunova, Chairperson, Supreme Audit Chamber
"The Asian Development Bank has been our reliable partner for many years. Our collaboration primarily focuses on two main areas: personnel training, requalification, and skills enhancement, as well as analytical studies. Through international programs, 130 state auditors have been trained, and over 300 auditors have undergone skills enhancement. In collaboration with the Asian Development Bank, we are conducting the first environmental audit, and we anticipate that all other projects will continue."

The Asian Development Bank provides comprehensive support to the Government of Kazakhstan: ranging from seminars and training courses to research on the most relevant topics.

Alibek Kuantyrov, Minister of National Economy, ADB Governor for Kazakhstan
"The Knowledge and Experience Exchange Program between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Asian Development Bank is a shining example of such effective and mutually beneficial collaboration. This efficient instrument lays a solid foundation, firstly, for the continuation of our cooperation and, more broadly, exerts a positive influence in shaping the knowledge base for the ongoing development of our national economy."

We are not just a program; KEEP is a platform that assists in the success of government initiatives and reforms.

Nariman Mannapbekov, Country Director, ADB Kazakhstan Resident Mission
"KEEP will continue to support demand-driven, just-in-time requirements of government agencies and their efforts in formulating and implementing reforms."

Join us in this search for optimal solutions for the economic and social development of the country.