Publications and Documents
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This study assesses the simultaneous contribution of international remittance income reported by recipient households to the overall economy of the Philippines by integrating micro data and macro simulation based on an input–output framework.
Rules of origin differ among overlapping free trade agreements, raising firm compliance costs, discouraging utilization of trade preferences, and hindering regional value chains.
Analyzing the financing hurdles facing Armenia’s small businesses, this brief looks at bank lending and considers why universal credit organizations need to be more competitive to gain a larger share of the microfinance sector.
As climate change poses a growing fiscal risk to Asia and the Pacific, policymakers need to better analyze the challenges, devise practical solutions, and attract private funding to strengthen climate-resilient fiscal management.
This brief analyzes how tax incentives are employed across Asia and the Pacific, looks at their effectiveness, and considers how they can best be used to encourage investment in activities with clear social benefits.
Estimating regional integration faces challenges due to incomplete data. This paper addresses this through the dynamic factor model estimated using the Bayesian state-space approach.
Quality and sustainable infrastructure investments are needed to rebuild smartly and create a more resilient, inclusive, and equitable world. Digital transformation has become an urgent need for governments.
This brief demonstrates the importance of measuring the benefits of Viet Nam’s 144-megawatt Lotus Wind Power Project and defining its economic and social impacts as the country ramps up its renewable energy generation.
This brief tracks the evolution of ADB’s dynamic country knowledge plans (CKP) and outlines how they have been tailored to better meet the complex needs of countries in Asia and the Pacific and deliver on their national priorities.
Highlighting how plastic impacts climate change, this brief considers the anticipated Global Plastics Treaty (GPT) and shows how ADB can help Asia and the Pacific implement circular economy solutions to help meet low-carbon goals.
This publication explains why climate change is a growing risk for Pakistan’s agriculture and shows how high-level remote sensing and mathematical programming can provide near real-time data to improve irrigation systems and bolster water security.
This brief illustrates how improving health and aged care in Asia and the Pacific hinges on tackling the shortage of trained staff, better analyzing key trends, and harnessing the digital technologies needed to build resilient systems.
Exploring the complex threats to Asia and the Pacific’s coral reefs, this brief analyzes how financial tools including parametric insurance can help restore the underwater structures and protect the critical ecosystem services they provide.
This report explores the benefits of Asia and the Pacific’s coral reefs, outlines the myriad risks they face from climate change, pollution, and development, and considers how nature-positive investments can finance their protection and restoration.
This publication tracks changes to health care provision in Mongolia as it seeks to balance public and private sector providers and undertake the reforms needed to manage a modern system that provides equitable health care access for all.
This note is intended to guide the Asian Development Bank (ADB), executing and implementing agencies, consultants, and contractors in setting up, adapting, and managing grievance redress mechanisms assigned to receive reports on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in ADB-financed projects with civil works.