Nepal : Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project

Sovereign Project | 55346-001

The project will support to improve municipal infrastructures and governance of the selected project municipalities, thereby contributing to achieve inclusive economic growth and improved livability . This will be achieved through the following three outputs: (i) municipal infrastructure for resilience developed (Output 1); (ii) Tourism assets revitalized and managed (Output 2); and (iii) capacity of municipalities, provinces and Department of Urban Development and Building Construction strengthened (output 3). The project will support eight municipalities (Pokhara, Janakpur, and a cluster of six municipalities includes Devdaha, Lumbini Sanskirtik, Ramgram, Sainamaina. Siddharthanagar, and Tilottama).

Project Details

  • Project Officer
    Sharma, Laxmi
    Sectors Group
    Request for information
  • Approval Date
    13 December 2023
  • Country/Economy
  • Sector
    • Water and other urban infrastructure and services
Project Name Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project
Project Number 55346-001
Country / Economy Nepal
Project Status Approved
Project Type / Modality of Assistance Grant
Source of Funding / Amount
Grant 0927-NEP: Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project
Asian Development Fund US$ 6.00 million
Loan 4433-NEP: Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project
Concessional ordinary capital resources lending US$ 160.00 million
Operational Priorities OP1: Addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities
OP2: Accelerating progress in gender equality
OP3: Tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability
OP4: Making cities more livable
OP6: Strengthening governance and institutional capacity
OP7: Fostering regional cooperation and integration
Sector / Subsector

Transport / Urban roads and traffic management

Water and other urban infrastructure and services / Other urban services - Renovation and protection of cultural heritage - Urban flood protection - Urban policy, institutional and capacity development

Gender Effective gender mainstreaming
Description The project will support to improve municipal infrastructures and governance of the selected project municipalities, thereby contributing to achieve inclusive economic growth and improved livability . This will be achieved through the following three outputs: (i) municipal infrastructure for resilience developed (Output 1); (ii) Tourism assets revitalized and managed (Output 2); and (iii) capacity of municipalities, provinces and Department of Urban Development and Building Construction strengthened (output 3). The project will support eight municipalities (Pokhara, Janakpur, and a cluster of six municipalities includes Devdaha, Lumbini Sanskirtik, Ramgram, Sainamaina. Siddharthanagar, and Tilottama).
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy

1.Economic growth. In recent years Nepal has made significant improvements in economic growth, quality of life, and poverty reduction at the national level. During FY20172019 gross domestic product (GDP) growth has risen on average 7.3% annually and in the past decade incidence of poverty fell from 25% to 18.7%. Despite these gains, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) global pandemic has posed a setback, shrinking national GDP growth to an estimated 2.3% in FY21. Despite ongoing uncertainties related to the pandemic, modest growth of 4.1% is expected for FY22 as the country's vaccination rollout expands, industrial output increases, and tourist arrivals gradually increase. The vision for Nepal's recovery from the pandemic hinges on a Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development strategy. In September 2021, the Government of Nepal (the government) and development partners endorsed the "Kathmandu Declaration", which pledges to develop a strategic action plan that aims to support Nepal"s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic while addressing the interlinked challenges of climate change and rising inequality.

2.Urbanization and urban poverty. Urbanization and well-planned cities are central to Nepal's socioeconomic transformation and economic growth objectives. During 20102015, Nepal was ranked among the 10 least urbanized countries in the world, yet one of the fastest urbanizing with an annual urban growth rate of 3.2%. In 2011, 17.1% of Nepal's population resided in 58 designated urban areas, which increased to 66.1% in 2021. This sudden increase reflects the designation of 159 additional municipalities after the statutory reconstitution of municipal governments in 2016, though many of them are still more rural in terms of density and economic structure. The designation is expected to guide municipal growth and improve service delivery. While poverty across the country fell (para. 1), 12.3% of urban dwellers are still multidimensionally poor in 2021 with high disparities remaining between gender and social groups as well as between regions, and quality of life especially for urban poor is eroding due to unplanned development and poor service delivery.

3.Haphazard development impedes growth. While the contribution of cities to the national economy is significant, the inefficient nature of Nepal's urbanization poses several problems including deficiencies in basic urban services, environmental degradation, encroachment of settlements on hazard prone lands and heritage areas, and sprawling settlements. Nepal's fast-growing cities and towns lack integrated urban planning and capital development plans. Municipalities have not secured and service land in advance to guide development. As a result, unserviced 'ribbon development along inadequate road networks is occurring at a rapid pace. Ribbon development locks cities into an urban structure whereby it is costly to provide services, is an inefficient use of land and difficult to retrofit. Recently-established municipalities also face an infrastructure backlog and significant annual financing gap of $1.62.1 billion. The government recognized the need for improved urban and regional planning and capital investment as a national priority, with initial steps taken through adoption of the National Urban Development Strategy in 2017. Ministry of Urban Development has supported municipalities to develop Integrated Urban Development Plans and structure plans for strategically important urban economic corridors in the Terai region (including capital investment plans).

4.Climate and disaster risk impact on urban livability. Haphazard development is not only expensive and inefficient for service delivery, but also drives disaster risk and puts hard-to-manage pressure on existing infrastructure systems and environmental and cultural heritage assets. Nepal is highly vulnerable to the impacts of natural hazards and climate, ranking 12 of 180 countries analyzed for 2019 and 10th based on long term climate risk index for the period 2000-2019. Nepal also lies in one of the most active earthquake zones in the world. Climate projections (CMIP6 2020) indicate that climate change is increasing rainfall variability and temperature in Nepal. Heavy rains and droughts may impact the quality, quantity and reliability of water sources, and flooding may exacerbate the occurrence of landslides, water logging, and accelerate erosion. Multiple factors lead to increased climate and disaster vulnerability in Nepal cities, including the lack of drainage infrastructure, environmental degradation of watersheds, and inadequate gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) responsive green open spaces for stormwater attenuationall these directly impact urban livability. The failure to adequately account for natural hazards, and the impacts of climate and disaster risk over the short to medium term needs to be addressed if Nepal's green, resilient, and inclusive urban ambitions are to be met.

5.Government strategy. The Constitution of Nepal (2015) entrusts provinces and local governments with the functions of developing public infrastructure and delivering services. Nepal's fifteenth five-year plan identifies sustainable urbanization as a key driver of the country's socioeconomic transformation to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable (footnote 4). Aligning with government's National Urban Development Strategy (footnote 9), the fifteenth plan emphasizes improved service delivery, developing interlinked urban corridors, and targets high and inclusive economic growth through capital investment in quality and resilient urban infrastructure and services. Maintaining the cultural heritage assets of Nepal's cities is noted by the government as an integral part of urban development and livability improvement. Specific priorities of the government include a national program for integrated urban development, implementing policies and investments from urbanizing corridor strategies, heritage conservation and tourism infrastructure thereby opening major opportunities for development, providing a significant source of employment and contribution to poverty reduction. The government has identified several towns with high tourism potential, with recently improved access that is likely to increase visitors, and where investment is urgently required to safeguard heritage and enhance the visitor experience while improving quality of life for residents. Accordingly, the government requested ADB to focus on municipalities that are of strategic importance and build on integrated development strategies for the better performance of tourism sector. The project will target eight municipalities, benefiting 1,057,210 people, that are strategically important economically, but with unique physical, spatial and resilience characteristics and challenges


Improved living standards achieved (The Fifteenth Plan, FY20202024)

Sustainable climate-resilient tourism development achieved (National Adaptation Plan, 20212050)

Project Outcome
Description of Outcome

Improved resilience, livability, and sustainability of urban service delivery and tourism by project municipalities.

Progress Toward Outcome
Implementation Progress
Description of Project Outputs

Municipal infrastructure for resilience improved.

Tourism assets revitalized, and management improved

Capacity of communities, municipalities, province, and DUDBC strengthened.

Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues)
Geographical Location Devdaha, Janakpur Dham, Lumbini Sanskritik, Pokhara, Ramgram, Sainamaina, Siddharthanagar, Tillotama
Safeguard Categories
Environment B
Involuntary Resettlement B
Indigenous Peoples B
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects
Environmental Aspects
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation
During Project Design
During Project Implementation
Responsible ADB Officer Sharma, Laxmi
Responsible ADB Department Sectors Group
Responsible ADB Division Water and Urban Development Sector Office (SG-WUD)
Executing Agencies
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
Ministry of Urban Development
Concept Clearance 27 May 2022
Fact Finding 17 Apr 2023 to 12 May 2023
MRM 31 Aug 2023
Approval 13 Dec 2023
Last Review Mission -
Last PDS Update 14 Dec 2023

Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.

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In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.

Title Document Type Document Date
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Pokhara Metropolitan Roads and Drainage Project (URLIP/PKR/CW01) Draft Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples Plan Combined Resettlement Plan and Indigenous Peoples Plans Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Draft Resettlement Framework Resettlement Frameworks Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Draft Environmental Assessment and Review Framework Environmental Assessment and Review Framework Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Sainamaina Municipality Roads and Drainage Project (URLIP/SM/CW01) Draft Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples Plan Combined Resettlement Plan and Indigenous Peoples Plans Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Janakpur Sub-metropolitan City Road and Drains Improvement Draft Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Devdaha Municipality (URLIP/DD/CW01) Draft Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples Plan Combined Resettlement Plan and Indigenous Peoples Plans Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Draft Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework Indigenous Peoples Planning Frameworks/Indigenous Peoples Development Frameworks Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Siddharthanagar Municipality (URLIP/SDN/CW01) Draft Resettlement Plan Resettlement Plans Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Tilottama Municipality Road Improvement Project and Cold Storage Facility (URLIP/TT/CW01) Draft Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples Plan Combined Resettlement Plan and Indigenous Peoples Plans Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Road, Drains, and Other Infrastructure Improvements in Five Towns in Western Urban Corridor Draft Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Janakpur Dham Sub-Metropolitan Roads and Drainage Project (URLIP/JNK/CW01) Draft Resettlement Plan Resettlement Plans Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Lumbini Sanskritik Municipality (URLIP/LUM/CW01) Draft Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples Plan Combined Resettlement Plan and Indigenous Peoples Plans Jul 2023
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Pokhara Metropolitan City Road and Drains Improvement Draft Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Jul 2023

Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation

None currently available.

Related Publications

None currently available.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced in its operations to facilitate stakeholder participation in ADB's decision-making. For more information, refer to the Safeguard Policy Statement, Operations Manual F1, and Operations Manual L3.

Requests for information may also be directed to the InfoUnit.


Contracts Awarded

No contracts awarded for this project were found

Procurement Plan

Title Document Type Document Date
Urban Resilience and Livability Improvement Project: Procurement Plan Procurement Plans Nov 2023