Rosalind McKenzie

Rosalind McKenzie

Principal Operations Coordination Specialist (Fragile Situations)
Climate Change and Sustainable Development Department (CCSD)

Rose McKenzie is an experienced development professional with 20+ years across 33 countries of Asia and the Pacific, bringing governments together through regional cooperation to build trust and mutual respect, and generate strong development outcomes through coordinated multi-sector investment planning, design, and implementation. She has served 18 countries of Central, East, South, and Southeast Asia in subregional secretariats, and supported each one in strengthening national Customs systems to comply with WCO and WTO protocols and make trade move faster and cheaper across borders. Currently, she leads ADB’s response in helping fragile and conflict-affected situations and small island developing states in the Pacific apply tailored approaches to build stability and resilience, looking to a better and more equitable future for the region.

Before ADB, Rose worked with international NGO regional missions and programs in the Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia on strategy and project design and development; cross-border conflict programming; results management and evaluation; and capacity /institution strengthening.