Memorandum of Understanding between the Asian Development Bank and Corporacion Andina de Fomento

Institutional Document | January 2011

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF) have both agreed to establish a non-exclusive framework of cooperation to facilitate collaboration between the Parties to promote programs and initiatives that foster knowledge management and cooperation between them, with special emphasis in areas related to infrastructure (sustainable energy, IT, and transport); social development (water, urban development, education, and governance); environment (carbon/clean energy and disaster risk management); and finance (SME).

The expected impact of these activities would be (i) the enhanced capacities of ADB and CAF to fulfill the long-term strategic objectives of sustainable development and regional integration, and (ii) an operationally effective ADB–CAF partnership supporting sustainable development and regional integration efforts in their respective geographic spheres of activities.


  • Article 1: Objective
  • Article 2: Areas of Cooperation
  • Article 3: Partnership Management and Implementation
  • Article 4: Obligations of the Parties
  • Article 5: Channel of Communications and Notice
  • Article 6: Effectiveness, Amendment, Termination, and Other Matters

Additional Details

  • ADB administration and governance

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