Multifunctionality of Rice Production Systems in Asia: A Synoptic Review

Publication | August 2023

Rice plays a key role in global food security as the world’s most water-intensive crop and the third-largest by area, and its production systems are socioculturally intertwined in Asian societies.

Rice plays a key role in global food security as the world’s most water-intensive crop and the third-largest by area, and its production systems are socioculturally intertwined in Asian societies.

Multifunctionality of Rice Production Systems in Asia: A Synoptic Review introduces the concept of multifunctionality, which describes a production system or process that provides multiple products and services that can result in positive or negative externalities. As a main characteristic of agriculture production, it can be incorporated into economic policy to help rationalize allocations for agriculture, further progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals of food security and poverty alleviation, and achieve socially inclusive sustainable development by improving the viability and resilience of smallholder farmers in developing countries.

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the status of multifunctionality research. It includes discussions on the important contribution of non-commodity outputs of rice production systems across Asian countries and the need for appropriate policy support for farming communities to ensure their sustenance and the provision of much-needed environmental services.


Additional Details

  • Agriculture and natural resources
  • Environment
  • ISBN 978-4-89974-279-1 (Print)
  • ISBN 978-4-89974-280-7 (PDF)

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