New Book Guides Policy Paths for Digital-driven Sustainable Growth in Asia

ADBI News Release | 26 January 2024

Singapore – A new book published by the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) spotlights how digitalization can be harnessed to advance sustainable development amid the widening digital divide in Asia and the Pacific.

Entitled Digital Transformation for Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Asia, the book highlights holistic policy design that considers education, skills development, policy frameworks, and international collaboration as critical to ensuring equitable benefits of digitalization across the region.

At a launch event on 25 January hosted by the National University of Singapore’s Institute of South Asian Studies, a panel of the book’s contributors discussed the region’s disparity in digital access and how it impedes cross-border connectivity and transformation.

Drawing on evidence-based insights from the book, the authors explored the complex interplay between technological advancements, sustainability, and socioenvironmental structural reforms and assessed the role of digitalization in mitigating disasters and climate risks and boosting inclusion and global trade.

Edited by ADBI’s Dil Rahut and Yixin Yao, International School of Business & Media’s Subhasis Bera, and National University of Singapore’s Amitendu Palit, this latest volume from ADBI Press offers timely policy research and regional cases for supporting digital-driven sustainable growth in Asia.

For press: To interview the authors or request hard copies of the book please contact Kaori Hitomi, Media and Partnership Consultant ([email protected])  or Adam Majoe, Publishing and Brand Consultant ([email protected]). 

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