Niue and ADB

ADB’s Pacific Approach, 2021-2025 guides operational responses in Niue, focusing on preparing and responding to shocks, delivering sustainable services, and supporting inclusive growth.

In the Spotlight


Niue Facts

ADB's Work in Niue

Niue is one of the world’s smallest countries, with a land area of 259 square kilometers and an estimated population of 1,862 people in 2019. Fiscal discipline, paired with large and predictable inflows of overseas development assistance, have helped provide macroeconomic stability for the Government of Niue. Travel restrictions associated with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic have had profound impacts on the country’s tourism-dependent economy.

Niue became the 68th and most recent member of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2019. To date, ADB has committed 2 public sector grants and technical assistance totaling $4.3 million to Niue.