The Asian Development Bank acknowledges that the global construction industry is facing many challenges that will impact the participation in and pricing of large-scale ADB funded infrastructure projects.
ADB wishes to recalibrate its processes relating to procurement and contract elements (risk distribution, value engineering, completion bonuses, etc.) to help its borrowers attract the right type of bidders that can deliver quality and value for money under ADB-financed projects. However, to make contract conditions more appealing to contractors and suppliers, it is first necessary to understand their views on risk allocation/ mitigation, profit margins, selection criteria, and other factors. To this end, ADB is undertaking USA roadshows in Washington (February 28 - 29), Detroit (March 4-5) and San Francisco (March 7-8) to conduct small focus groups with contractors and suppliers who have either bid on ADB projects before or are interested in bidding on them in the future.
Each city will have dedicated days aligned with each ADB sector (energy, transport, urban, social infrastructure, etc.).
Please contact Roderick Artuz to RSVP and for the full itinerary for each city. There is no cost to attend. We will notify all registered participants of the final venue through email once it becomes available.
ADB will be conducting further road shows in Europe (May), Japan (September), Australia (November) and the People's Republic of China (2025).
Road shows
28-29 February 2024
Washington, DC
4-5 March 2024
Detroit, Michigan
7-8 March 2024
San Francisco, California
Target participants
North America contractors, suppliers, and consultants; Energy, transport, agriculture, social, water and urban sectors
Resource speaker
Mr. Glen Harris
Principal Procurement Specialist
Procurement, Portfolio, and Financial Management Department
How to register
It would be appreciated if you could confirm your attendance with Roderick Artuz copying Glen Harris.
No fee or cost to participate.
Event organizers / partners