Financing Partnerships

ADB and its financing partners pool financial resources, share the risks involved, and combine knowledge and technical expertise in planning and implementing development programs or projects.

ADB Financing Partners

ADB partners with international development agencies, nongovernment or civil society organizations, philanthropies, multilateral and bilateral institutions, the private sector, and other emerging development partners. These financing partners provide cofinancing through contributions to projects and trust funds.

ADB works with a wide range of bilateral donors—government organizations that give direct assistance to a recipient country for development purposes—within and outside the Asia and Pacific region.

Australia works with ADB through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which channels funds mainly toward economic stability and growth of the Indo-Pacific region and development work and substantial aid to the Pacific island countries.

More about the ADB-Australia Partnership

ADB collaborates with Austria through the Federal Ministry of Finance (MOF), which represents Austria as a shareholder at ADB. The MOF is responsible for budgetary planning, economic policy and financial services, and customs and taxation, among others.

More about the ADB-Austria Partnership

Belgium collaborates with ADB through the International and European Financial Affairs, Belgian Federal Treasury. The Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, integrated into the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, is responsible for drafting development policies, allocating Belgium’s official development assistance, and planning and monitoring government cooperation programs.

More about the ADB-Belgium Partnership

ADB works with Global Affairs Canada (formerly Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development), which manages Canada’s diplomatic and consular relations, encourages Canadian international trade, and leads Canada’s diplomatic and consular relations, encourages Canadian international trade, and leads Canada’s international development and humanitarian assistance.

More about the ADB-Canada Partnership

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a major contributor to ADB development finance and knowledge-sharing initiatives. ADB works with PRC’s Ministry of Finance and domestic commercial entities such as the Bank of Beijing, China Construction Bank Corporation, Export-Import Bank of China, Huaxia Bank, and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank on directing development finance to investment projects.

More about the ADB-PRC Partnership

ADB works with Denmark’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which administers development cooperation. The Danish International Development Agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the planning, implementation, and quality assurance of Denmark’s development cooperation.

More about the ADB-Denmark Partnership

ADB works with Finland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is the main agency for development cooperation. ADB also collaborates with the Finnish Fund for Industrial Development Cooperation Ltd., a development finance company that provides long-term risk capital for private sector projects in developing countries.

More about the ADB-Finland Partnership

ADB works with the Agence Française de Développement, which is responsible for France’s official development aid. The Inter-Ministerial Committee for International Cooperation and Development, chaired by the Prime Minister, defines the guidelines for the development cooperation policy of France. Three ministries steer and implement cooperation policy: the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs; the Ministry of the Economy and Finance; and the Ministry of the Interior, Overseas France, Local Authorities and Immigration.

More about the ADB-France Partnership

Germany collaborates with ADB through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), KfW, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Germany’s priority areas are peacebuilding, food security, training and sustainable growth, climate and energy, and the environment and natural resources.

More about the ADB-Germany Partnership

India’s financing partnership with ADB is through the government-owned Export-Import Bank of India (India EXIM Bank), established in 1982 and designed to finance, facilitate, and promote India's foreign trade.

More about the ADB-India Partnership

Ireland works with ADB through its development agencies—Department of Finance, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Irish Aid. Ireland focuses on reaching those furthest behind and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly prioritizing gender equality, reducing humanitarian needs, promoting climate action, and strengthening governance.

More about the ADB-Ireland Partnership

ADB collaborates with the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A, Italy’s financial institution for development cooperation entrusted to support initiatives promoting sustainable and inclusive development.

More about the ADB-Italy Partnership

For Japan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance handle official development assistance through the Japan International Cooperation Agency. ADB also works with other ministries, such as the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

More about the ADB-Japan Partnership

The Republic of Korea (ROK) collaborates with ADB through the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Export-Import Bank of Korea, also known as Korea Eximbank or KEXIM. ROK provides the official development assistance loan program through the Economic Development Cooperation Fund administered by KEXIM. The Korea International Cooperation Agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for grant aid and technical cooperation for developing countries. Other ministries and agencies involved in the cooperation with ADB include the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Korea Meteorological Administration, the Korea Energy Agency, and the Public Procurement Service.

More about the ADB-ROK Partnership

Through the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, Kuwait helps Arab and other developing countries build their economies, focusing primarily on agriculture and irrigation, transport and communication, energy, industry, water and sewage, education, and health.

More about the ADB-Kuwait Partnership

ADB collaborates with Luxembourg through the Development Cooperation Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, which manages the country’s official development assistance, and the Ministry of Finance, which oversees cooperation with international development agencies. ADB also works with Lux-Development, which formulates and carries out the country’s cooperation projects with partner states.

More about the ADB-Luxembourg Partnership

ADB collaborates with The Netherlands through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which coordinates and implements the country’s official development assistance and channels it through its embassies.

More about the ADB-Netherlands Partnership

New Zealand works with ADB through its focal development agencies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the International Aid and Development Agency, a semiautonomous body within the ministry that provides cofinancing for specific development projects.

More about the ADB-New Zealand Partnership

Norway works with ADB through two agencies: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, a directorate under the MFA that ensures and reports on the effectiveness of Norwegian development aid.

More about the ADB-Norway Partnership

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia channels its development cooperation through the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD). Established in 1974, the SFD provides concessional and untied assistance for development projects.

More about the ADB-Saudi Arabia Partnership

ADB collaborates with several agencies that oversee Spain’s development assistance. The country’s Ministry of Finance and Civil Service prepares the development budget bill and channels it to European Union institutions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, and Cooperation sets the strategic orientation of Spanish development policy. The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation implements bilateral humanitarian aid and provides funding to civil society organizations. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation (MINECO) represents Spain in international financial institutions and multilateral banks.

More about the ADB-Spain Partnership

ADB works with two key agencies that are responsible for looking after Sweden’s official development assistance. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) each manages half of the country’s development aid. ADB also works with the Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden’s largest public funder and facilitator of Swedish “sustaintech” companies—small and medium enterprises that offer green, sustainable solutions.

More about the ADB-Sweden Partnership

ADB works with two key offices responsible for Switzerland’s official development assistance. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) serves as the country’s international cooperation agency, while the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is the center for economic and labor policy for poverty reduction in the form of economic development cooperation. The SDC and SECO handle about 80% of Switzerland’s development cooperation. The rest are managed by the State Secretariat for Migration; Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sports; Federal Office for the Environment; and other federal agencies and municipalities.

More about the ADB-Switzerland Partnership

ADB collaborates with the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF), Taipei,China’s development assistance organization. The ICDF assists developing countries in economic, social, and human resource development through technical cooperation, lending and investment, international education and training, and humanitarian assistance.

More about the ADB-Taipei,China Partnership

Thailand’s development cooperation is channeled through the Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA). Established in 2005, NEDA undertakes cooperation with neighboring countries in economic and social development to expand trade and investment opportunities.

More about the ADB-Thailand Partnership

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) channels its development assistance through the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, which was established in 1971 by the Abu Dhabi government. The fund provides concessionary loans for economic and social development projects.

More about the ADB-UAE Partnership

ADB works with the United Kingdom mainly through the country’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, which is the lead agency for official development assistance. ADB also works with other agencies including the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, which handles a portion of the United Kingdom’s development assistance in business, industrial strategy, science, innovation, energy, and climate change.

More about the ADB-United Kingdom Partnership

ADB and the United States collaborate through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the main office for international cooperation and development assistance. USAID provides grants to confront five pressing challenges, including compounding conflict, displacement, and food insecurity; the climate crisis; repression and corruption; fragile primary health care systems; and pervasive barriers to inclusive growth and equitable opportunity.

More about the ADB-United States Partnership

ADB partners with organizations or institutions established or chartered by more than one country to provide financial support and professional advice for economic and social development activities in developing countries.

ADB and member nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) established the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund to address the region’s infrastructure development needs by mobilizing regional savings, including foreign exchange reserves. The fund prioritizes ASEAN member countries and provides loans to finance infrastructure investment projects.

More about the ADB-ASEAN Infrastructure Fund Partnership

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) seeks to foster sustainable economic development, create wealth, and improve infrastructure connectivity in Asia by investing in infrastructure and other productive sectors. It also aims to promote regional cooperation and partnerships in addressing development challenges by closely collaborating with other multilateral and bilateral development institutions.

More about the ADB-AIIB Partnership

The Asian Investment Facility (AIF) was established in 2010 in line with the European Union’s regional strategy for Asia. AIF’s main objective is to promote investments and infrastructure development. Its focus is on climate change, the environment, energy, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and social sector services.

More about the ADB-AIF Partnership

The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) mechanism, established in 2008 at the request of G8 and G20 countries, aims to help developing countries shift to low-carbon technologies and promote climate-resilient development. CIF has two funding windows, the Clean Technology Fund and the Strategic Climate Fund.

More about the ADB-CIF Partnership

Russia and Kazakhstan established the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) in 2006 to promote economic growth and integration in Eurasia. Other members of the bank are Armenia, Belarus, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan, which are also its priority countries to support.

More about the ADB-EDB Partnership

Seeking to advance developmental goals in finance and policy reform, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is a development bank that provides project financing for banks, industries, and businesses, both in new ventures and in existing companies.

More about the ADB-EBRD Partnership

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the bank of the European Union and one of the world’s main financers of climate action.

More about the ADB-EIB Partnership

The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 sovereign states in Europe that seeks to be a driver of sustainable development, peace, and economic integration. It works with ADB to promote human rights and good governance, health, education, sustainable agriculture and food security, environment and clean energy, food and agriculture, and cross-border cooperation in human and animal health.

More about the ADB-EU Partnership

The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) is an intermediary fund designed to support strategic agriculture and food security investments. This global initiative aims to help developing countries achieve food security and higher income, provide multisector investments to fill national and regional financing gaps in food security strategies, and scale up promising agricultural technologies.

More about the ADB-GAFSP Partnership

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is a global partnership that helps tackle the planet’s most pressing environmental problems. GEF brings together 183 countries, international institutions, nongovernment organizations, and the private sector to help developing countries address environmental problems.

More about the ADB-GEF Partnership

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is a multi-stakeholder partnership and funding platform that galvanizes global and national support for education in developing countries. It was established in 2002 to help ensure that every child has access to quality education, especially the poorest and most vulnerable children.

More about the ADB-GPE Partnership

The Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) is a global multi-donor fund hosted by the World Bank. Its mission is to help governments develop road safety management capacity and scale up road safety delivery in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The GRSF provides funding, knowledge, and technical assistance designed to scale up the efforts of the LMICs to build their scientific, technological, managerial, and delivery capacities for road safety.

More about the ADB-GRSF Partnership

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was created in 2010 as a global fund helping developing countries overcome the challenges of climate change. The GCF aims to catalyze the flow of climate finance to low-emission and climate-resilient development, driving a change in thinking in the global response to climate change.

More about the ADB-GCF Partnership

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) was established as a multilateral development bank to help its member countries achieve economic development and social progress.

More about the ADB-IsDB Partnership

The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) is an innovative financial instrument used as a modality of the European Union (EU). The NIF aims to support key investment infrastructure projects and private sector development in European Neighbourhood Policy partner countries that have signed an action plan with the EU.

More about the ADB-NIF Partnership

The New Development Bank (NDB)— established by the Governments of Brazil, Russia, India, the People’s Republic of China, and South Africa or BRICS countries—aims to foster the development of member countries, support economic growth, promote competitiveness and facilitate job creation, and build a knowledge-sharing platform among developing countries.

More about the ADB-NDB Partnership

The Nordic Development Fund (NDF) is a joint development finance institution of the Nordic countries. It supports climate change-related projects in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, usually in cooperation with trusted partners.

More about the ADB-NDF Partnership

The OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund) is a development funding agency established by the member-states of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

More about the ADB-OPEC Fund Partnership

ADB has been collaborating with several United Nations (UN) agencies since 1972, among them, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), UN Women, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

More about the ADB-UN Partnership

The Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) is designed to support women entrepreneurs to access financing, skills, and opportunities in developing countries.

More about the ADB-We-Fi Partnership

The World Bank Group (WBG) has been working with ADB since 1972. The WBG works with countries to implement sustainable solutions to reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.

More about the ADB-WBG Partnership

ADB works with other partners through concessional or commercial cofinancing, including partners from the private sector, with corporate social responsibility and philanthropic thrusts.

ADB’s Staff Community Fund raises funds from ADB staff members, retirees, consultants, and contractors to support community and livelihood development projects that help transform the lives of the less fortunate in the community where ADB is headquartered.

More about the ADB-ADB Staff Community Fund Partnership

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) was established in 2000 by Bill and Melinda Gates to enhance healthcare, reduce extreme poverty, and expand educational opportunities and access to information technology around the world. The foundation supports all countries in the areas of healthcare, education, and poverty alleviation.

More about the ADB-BMGF Partnership

The Bloomberg Family Foundation Inc. is a private philanthropic foundation based in the United States and part of Bloomberg Philanthropies. The foundation focuses on education, the environment, government innovation, and public health to help ensure better lives for most people.

More about the ADB-Bloomberg Partnership

The Education Above All Foundation (EAA) is a private organization for public benefit established and existing under the laws of the State of Qatar. The EAA works to ensure equal access to education and harness the power of quality education for positive, sustainable, and inclusive change.

More about the ADB-EAA Partnership

Eneco is a group of companies operating in the field of sustainable energy and innovation. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the Eneco Group operates in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

More about the ADB-Eneco Partnership

The Goldman Sachs Charitable Gift Fund is a nonprofit corporation that gives grants to a wide range of charitable projects.

More about the ADB-Goldman Sachs Partnership

The JPMorgan Chase Foundation supports programs designed to promote workforce readiness, small business expansion, financial capability, and community development. Special emphasis is directed toward neighborhoods located in areas of JPMorgan Chase’s major operations.

More about the ADB-JPMorgan Chase Partnership

POSCO is a multinational company based in Pohang, Republic of Korea (ROK) that promotes new growth engines based on permanent new material and steel. The companyengages in promising future industries such as green growth projects and supports the ROK government’s initiatives in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries.

More about the ADB-POSCO Partnership

The Rockefeller Foundation collaborates with ADB on a systems-centered approach that supports the integration of climate change into city planning as a central element and links it to the implementation of both infrastructure and institutional interventions.

More about the ADB-Rockefeller Partnership

The Uzbekistan Fund for Reconstruction and Development (UFRD) is a fully state-owned fund that finances investment projects in Uzbekistan’s priority industry sectors—oil and gas, chemicals, energy, and metals and mining.

More about the ADB-UFRD Partnership


General Inquiries: Financing Partnerships

Financing Partners Relationship Managers

The Strategic Partnerships Division manages partnerships and establishes cofinancing relationships with partners.

The Partner Funds Division administers single-donor trust funds, project-specific cofinancing, and global funding initiatives.