Aniruddha Patil

Aniruddha Patil

Principal Investment Specialist, Social Sectors Team
Private Sector Operations Department

Why did you join ADB's Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD)?

After obtaining my master’s degrees from the Harvard Kennedy School and the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, I was eager to work in an area which engaged my foundations in finance as well as economics. Moreover, having worked in consulting and investment banking across parts of Europe and Asia, I was looking for an opportunity to expand further into frontier countries and sectors. PSOD affords me that opportunity to work on development projects in countries such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. I cover many sectors, from energy storage to early rural education and maternal health.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

In addition to financial returns, the returns to society are an important consideration for ADB. Going out in the field, interacting with our clients and meeting the ultimate beneficiaries of the projects help me better understand the economic impacts of ADB's financing. I particularly cherish this aspect of my job because seeing the impact on the ground is extremely satisfying and is a strong motivator for structuring future projects.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

In addition to financial returns, the returns to society are an important consideration for ADB. Going out in the field, interacting with our clients and meeting the ultimate beneficiaries of the projects help me better understand the economic impacts of ADB's financing. I particularly cherish this aspect of my job because seeing the impact on the ground is extremely satisfying and is a strong motivator for structuring future projects.


  • | Papers and Briefs | Knowledge Showcases

    Affordable Pay-As-You-Go Solar Power for India's Energy-Poor Homes

    South Asia is home to 41% of the world’s energy-poor, many of these people live in India, where 75 million rural households are not connected to the electrical power grid and another 80 million are underserved by electrical utilities.