Funds and Resources

ADB offers loans, grants, and technical assistance from Special Funds, Trust Funds, and other sources to help reduce poverty in Asia’s poorest countries.

Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility

What is the fund?

Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility is a global technical assistance facility managed by the World Bank on behalf of donors. Established in 1999, it aims to help eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable development in developing countries by facilitating private sector involvement in infrastructure.

What are the priorities?

The fund pursues its objective through two main mechanisms:

  • channeling technical assistance to governments in developing countries on strategies and measures to tap the full potential of private sector involvement in infrastructure; and
  • identifying, disseminating, and promoting best practices on matters related to private sector involvement in infrastructure in developing countries.

What kinds of activities are eligible for the fund?

Eligible infrastructure services comprise electricity, gas transmission and distribution, water and sewage, solid waste, telecommunications, railways, airports, and roads.

Who is eligible to receive the fund?

Countries eligible to receive the fund's assistance are those in the list of aid recipients of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Development Assistance Committee. However, as required by its trust fund documents, only member countries of ADB in the Asia-Pacific region are eligible to receive assistance from the ADB technical assistance grant.

Who supports the fund?

The World Bank manages the fund as the Trustee. ADB contributes to the fund and helps developing member countries gain access to these funds.