ADB Procurement
These videos explain ADB's procurement reform.
What is Domestic Preference?
This video lays out Domestic Preference and the types of conditions for when borrowers can introduce it into the bidding process.
What are Bidding-Related Complaints?
This video explains Bidding Related Complaints, when they can occur in the procurement cycle, and why it is important for borrowers to address them in a timely manner.
What is Noncompliance in Procurement?
This video provides an overview of how ADB determines Noncompliance in Procurement and how borrowers can prevent Noncompliance activities from occurring.
What is Subcontracting?
This video defines the various types of Subcontractors and how they are assessed and utilized in the performance of ADB projects.
How can a State-Owned Enterprise be eligible to bid for ADB projects?
This video defines State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and guides borrowers on how to assess their viability to participate as bidders under ADB funded projects.
How is procurement managed differently for projects under a Public–Private Partnership or PPP?
This video outlines some of the benefits of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and the typical roles and activities assigned to various sector participants.
How is High-level Technology applied to procurements in ADB projects?
This video demonstrates how High Level Technology (HLT) can be harnessed by borrowers to help improve outcomes in procurement activities funded under ADB loans and grants.
How do Value for Money and Quality fit within ADB's core Procurement Principles?
This video defines Value for Money and Quality as key principals under ADB’s New Procurement Framework, alongside Fairness, Economy, Efficiency, and Transparency.
How does ADB define Price Adjustment?
This video details Price Adjustment and circumstances borrowers should consider to properly apply this mechanism under ADB funded projects.
What are Framework Agreements?
This video highlights the benefits of Framework Agreements and how they can contribute towards a more efficient procurement process.