Project/Program and Technical Assistance Performance Evaluations
Project Performance Evaluation Reports (PPERs) evaluate the design, implementation, and performance of projects and programs. They are prepared about 3 years after project completion.
Technical Assistance Performance Evaluations evaluate technical assistance projects. Usually, several TAs are covered in the same report.
Loan to Minsheng Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. for the Green Transport Finance in the People’s Republic of China (Loan No. 3558/ Investment No. 7517)
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) engaged with the financial leasing sector since 2012 to facilitate financing for the deployment of clean buses in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This evaluation focuses on the loan provided to Minsheng Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. (MFL) in August 2017. ADB was concurrently implementing a technical assistance project to support clean buses and to enhance the additionality of the investments. The project supported the strategic priorities identified by the Midterm Review of Strategy 2020 as well as the PRC country partnership strategy priorities of managing climate change, the environment, and supporting inclusive economic growth. The project also supported ADB’s Sustainable Transport Initiative, which focused on creating accessible, safe, affordable, and environmentally friendly transport systems.
Electric Networks of Armenia CJSC Distribution Network Rehabilitation, Efficiency Improvement, and Augmentation Project (Armenia) Loan 3540
Armenia’s energy sector has undergone a series of reforms that have significantly improved its performance. The reforms involved the unbundling of a vertically integrated electricity subsector and the privatization of power and gas distribution networks and most generating companies. In particular, the Government of Armenia privatized the Armenian electric distribution networks in 2002 to the Electric Networks of Armenia CJSC (ENA). In 2017, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Board of Directors approved an $80 million equivalent nonsovereign loan to ENA, as part of a larger plan to upgrade, rehabilitate, improve, and augment Armenia’s electric distribution network.
Project Performance Evaluation Report for Grant 0245-TAJ: Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 3 (Dushanbe-Uzbekistan Border) Improvement Project
In 2011, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a $120 million grant to Tajikistan to help finance improvement of the Dushanbe–Uzbekistan border road from kilometer (km) 5 to km 62 (the project road). The road, which forms part of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) corridor 3, crosses the Gissar Valley and the town of Tursunzade.
Project Performance Evaluation Report for PT. Supreme Energy Muara Laboh – Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Project (Indonesia) Loan 3487
ONGOING EVALUATION. Indonesia’s power demand was estimated to increase by 8.5% per annum in 2015-2019, resulting in a shortage of about 35 gigawatts (GW) before 2020. Moreover, in 2015, fossil fuels powered 88% of the electricity generation in Indonesia, while renewables, primarily in the form of hydropower and geothermal resources, accounted for the remainder. To address the anticipated electricity shortage and reduce dependence on fossil fuels, the Government of Indonesia launched a program in 2015 to provide an additional 35 GW of power capacity by 2019. In December 2016, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Board of Directors approved a 20-year nonsovereign loan of $70 million from ADB’s ordinary capital resources to PT.
Jana Small Finance Bank Limited (formerly known as Janalakshmi Financial Services Limited) Debt Financing in India (Loan No. 7481)
In June 2016, the ADB Board of Directors approved a loan of up to $150 million (in rupee equivalent) to JSFB, which could take the form of either a bilateral loan or subscription to nonconvertible debentures. ADB also approved access to technical assistance (TA) of up to $250,000 under the regional Technical Assistance for Business Development and Implementation Support for Non-Sovereign Operations project.
Georgia: Regional Power Transmission Enhancement Project
This report presents the findings of the project performance evaluation of the Regional Power Transmission Enhancement Project in Georgia.
This evaluation was prepared 5 years after the loan closed in May 2017 and 4 years after the project completion report (PCR), which was circulated in May 2018. This allowed enough time to pass for a proper assessment of the project’s effectiveness, progress, and longterm sustainability.
Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund, 2009–2021
The Independent Evaluation Department was requested by Asian Development Bank (ADB) Management to evaluate its Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund (APDRF) projects approved from 2009 (when the fund started) to 2021, to provide inputs to the Board to aid future fund replenishment decisions.
The objective of this evaluation is to assess to what extent the APDRF has achieved its objectives set at the time of its establishment and contributed to ADB’s policies and plans to address disaster response and resilience in the Asia and Pacific region. The evaluation will also identify issues and lessons and provide recommendations for future directions of the fund.
Tajikistan: Khatlon Province Flood Risk Management Project
This report presents the findings of an independent evaluation of the Khatlon Province Flood Risk Management Project in Tajikistan, supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Khatlon Province Flood Risk Management Project was developed to reduce flood risks in Khatlon province, which embraces the Pyanj River and the Kyzylsu and Yakhsu tributaries. The project aimed to reinforce river embankments protecting the Chubek irrigation system, which serves an important irrigated area for agricultural production. The project introduced the integrated flood risk management (IFRM) approach and incorporated both structural and non-structural measures. Non-structural measures included improvements to flood warnings and damage reduction during and after such events. The evaluation assessed the project’s overall performance successful.
Armenia: North-South Road Corridor Investment Program—Tranche 1
This report presents the findings of an independent evaluation of the North–South Road Corridor Investment Program (Tranche 1) in Armenia, supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The project was financed by a multitranche financing facility (MFF) with a total loan amount of $500 million. The MFF aimed to improve the entire North–South Road Corridor, the 550- kilometer (km) Agarak–Kapan–Yerevan–Bavra road crossing Armenia from its southern border with Iran to its northern border with Georgia. When the MFF was approved, tranche 1 was designed to reconstruct 18.4 km between Yerevan and Ashtarak and to improve the safety of the Yerevan–Ararat road. Tranche 2 would upgrade the 88-km Ashtarak–Gyumri section of the corridor.
Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific
ADB undertook capacity support and implemented pilot projects to promote energy efficiency in the Pacific region under two technical assistance (TA) grants. This technical assistance performance evaluation report evaluates these TA projects, which were provided to Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu. The total value was $10.15 million.