Results 1 to 20 of 113
- The annual portfolio performance report (APPR) is a management report that details the state of the sovereign and nonsovereign portfolios of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
- The annual portfolio performance report (APPR) is a management report that details the state of the sovereign and nonsovereign portfolios of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
- The annual portfolio performance report (APPR) is a management report that details the state of the sovereign and nonsovereign portfolios of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
- The annual portfolio performance report (APPR) is a management report that details the state of the sovereign and nonsovereign portfolios of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
- This document summarizes the discussion of the meeting of the ADB Board of Directors held on 19 September 2019 discussing the proposed policy for Mainstreaming the Results-Based Lending for Programs.
- This policy paper proposes that the Asian Development Bank (ADB) mainstream results-based lending (RBL) as a regular ADB financing modality.
- The annual portfolio performance report (APPR) is a management report that details the state of the sovereign and nonsovereign portfolios of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
- This report showcases activities and results of financing partnerships of ADB in 2018. Stories illustrate how these partnerships have made a significant difference in the lives of the poor.
- This technical guidance note describes ADB's requirements and good practices for due diligence on financial intermediation loans.
- This publication examines how ADB's operations have improved people's lives in India and looks at the challenges that ADB and India face in pursuing agreed development goals.
- This publication examines the development assistance of the Asian Development Bank since Timor-Leste gained independence in 2002.
- In 2017, ADB’s operations reached $32.22 billion. Its own commitment of $20.09 billion for loans, grants and investments, and $201 million for technical assistance (TA), leveraged $11.92 billion in cofinancing.
- The annual portfolio performance report (APPR) is a management report that details the state of the sovereign and nonsovereign portfolios of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
- A two-year extension from 30 June 2018 to 30 June 2020 of the availability period of the multitranche financing facility (MFF) for the Highlands Region Road Improvement Investment Program in Papua New Guinea (PNG) was proposed to allow the investment program to be completed.
- This policy paper recommends setting the ceiling at 10% of the total ordinary capital resources (OCR) and Asian Development Fund (ADF) resource allocation for the last 3 years (6 June 2016–5 June 2019) of the RBL pilot phase.
- The Statement of ADB's Operations in 2017 is part of the annual document series providing factual information on ADB's operations to the Board of Directors for the calendar year 2017. It gives information on the amount of assistance approved by the Bank in the form of loans, equity investments, guarantees, investment grants and technical assistance grants from different funding sources for the year.
- Бат бөх түншлэл, хамтын ажиллагааны ачаар талуудын уялдаа холбоо сайжирч, нарийн мэдлэг ур чадвар нөхөгдөж, илүү их санхүүжилт төвлөрүүлж чадсанаар эцсийн үр дүн ч нэмэгддэг.
- Through robust partnerships with its development partners, ADB achieved $31.70 billion in operations in 2016.
- The Statement of ADB's Operations in 2016 is part of the annual document series providing factual information on ADB's operations to the Board of Directors for the calendar year 2016. It gives information on the amount of assistance approved by the Bank in the form of loans, equity investments, guarantees, investment grants and technical assistance grants from different funding sources for the year.
- The Results-Based Lending (RBL) policy was approved on a pilot basis for a 6-year period (from June 2013 to June 2019). The policy called for an implementation review of RBL operations 3 years after the modality became effective.