ADB Japanese Representative Office
本年次報告書は、2019 年のアジア開発銀行(ADB)の活動概要と財務実績について、包括的に説明するものです。
地域の開発のための資金とノウハウの需要が伸び続ける中、 ADBの年間業務総額は、2016年に初めて300億ドルを超えた。
トリプルAの格付けを得ているアジア開発銀行のグリーン・ボン ドは、環境に調和した持続可能な成長の実現によって貧困を削 減し国民の生活の質を改善すると共に、温室効果ガスの排出 を緩和し気候変動の影響に適応することを目指す開発途上加 盟国を支援するものです。
アジア開発銀行2014年次報告は、ADBの業務やプロジェクト、組織内業務、および財務経営を報告するものである。 財務報告や独立監査者のコメントも含まれる。ADBの組織や業務については、PDFおよびエクセルファイル形式で提供されている。
統合的な災害リスク管理のための業務計画2014 − 2020は、開発途上加盟国における、災害に対す る強靭性を高めることを目的としています。
The midterm review (MTR) of Strategy 2020 is the culmination of a year-long process that was announced at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in May 2013.
This is the Japanese translation for the 2011 Annual Report of the Board of Directors, which reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management and includes a separate report on the activities of the Special Funds of ADB. The report also contains chapters on regional, sectoral and thematic highlights, as well as complete financial statements and opinions of the independent auditors, a statistical annex, and appendixes.
The Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) was established in May 2000 and provides direct grant assistance to the poorest and most vulnerable groups in developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) while fostering long-term social and economic development. The grants target poverty reduction initiatives with the direct participation of nongovernment organizations (NGOs), community groups, and civil society. Contributions totaling $446 million have been received from the Government of Japan as of 30 December 2010.
This study is aimed at policy makers, business leaders, and opinion makers within Asia to help forge a consensus on a vision of and strategy for Asia's potentially historic rise among the global community of nations between now and 2050.
The Clean Energy Program of the Asian Development Bank is multi-pronged. The clean energy program seeks to meet energy security needs, facilitate a transition to a low-carbon economy, provide universal access to energy, and achieve ADB's vision of a region free of poverty.
The 2010 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management and includes a separate report on the activities of the Special Funds of ADB. The report also contains chapters on regional, sectoral and thematic highlights.
The report includes the complete financial statements and opinions of the independent auditors, a statistical annex, and appendixes.
2003 年5 月、ADB は、1995 年に確立された査察機能に代わる新たなアカウンタビリティ・メカニズム(AM)を承認しました。このメカニズムは、ADB が支援するプロジェクトによって悪影響を受ける住民が問題について発言し、解決を求め、ADB の業務政策および手続きの違反を申し立てることができるよう、利用しやすい手段を提供するために確立されました。
アジア開発銀行(ADB)は1995年、ADBが支援するプロジェクトにおけるADBの業務政策 および手続きの遵守について、プロジェクトの受益者が独立組織に異議申し立てを行う場を提 供する「査察(インスペクション)機能」を確立した。1長期に渡るレビュー・プロセスを経て、 ADBは2003年に、以前の査察機能を増強する現在のアカウンタビリティ・メカニズム(AM)2を 導入した。
At the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of ADB in Tashkent in May 2010, the President of ADB announced that ADB would undertake a joint Board Management review of its Accountability Mechanism. This information sheet summarizes the background, objectives and consultation plan for the policy review process.
Developing countries in Asia are emerging from the recent crisis and are expected to post a strong recovery in the next 2 years, as a moderate global recovery supports a modest revival in global trade.
The 2009 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management and includes a separate report on the activities of the Special Funds of ADB. The report also contains chapters on regional, sectoral and thematic highlights. The report includes the complete financial statements and opinions of the independent auditors, a statistical annex, and appendixes.
Created through a highly consultative process, the Our People Strategy defines the principles ADB will follow to recruit, retain, and develop staff and managers and to improve its workplace environment, ensuring it has the right people to succeed with.
The 2008 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management and funding. The report also contains chapters on regional highlights and economic developments. The report includes the complete financial statements and opinions of the independent auditors, a statistical annex, and appendixes.
ADB's Strategy 2020, approved in April 2008, reaffirms both ADB's vision of an Asia and Pacific free of poverty and mission to help its developing member countries improve their living conditions and quality of life.
The 2007 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management, and funding. The report also contains chapters on regional highlights and economic developments. The report includes the complete financial statements and appendixes.
The Asian Water Development Outlook is a publication commissioned by the Asian Development Bank to increase importance of water in the future development scenarios of the Asia and Pacific region.
The 2006 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management, and funding. The report also contains chapters on regional highlights, economic developments and a special section on ADB's 40th anniversary. The report includes the complete financial statements and appendixes.
This 19th edition of Asian Development Outlook examines trends and prospects in Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific, in the context of global economic movements.
This guide discusses what ADB operational documents should be disclosed to the public, and at what schedule such disclosure is to be made.
The Asian Development Outlook 2006 is the 18th edition of the annual comprehensive economic report on the developing member countries of the Asian Development Bank.
The 2005 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management, funding, regional highlights, and includes chapters on economic developments.
This document enumerates exceptions to the disclosure of information, as stated in ADB's Public Communications Policy.
This book addresses the contribution of transport and energy infrastructure to poverty reduction. This is a core issue for ADB and for the other three donors that collaborated in producing this book (DFID, JBIC, and World Bank). The country studies examined this contribution in the People's Republic of China (PRC), India, and Thailand, which (particularly in the case of the PRC and India) are of strategic importance for overall ADB lending, and account for a substantial portion of total ADB lending for transport and energy.
The 2004 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management, funding, regional highlights, and includes chapters on economic developments.
ADB の情報公開政策(以下、「本政策」)は、ADB がより効果的にコミュニケーションを図ることができるようになるための枠組みを提供するものである。本政策は、1994 年に採択された2 つの政策「情報政策および戦略」と「情報の守秘義務と開示政策」に取って代わるものである。本政策は、ADB が公に利用可能とする情報の範囲と種類とを拡充するものである。
The 2003 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management, and funding. The report also contains chapters on regional highlights, economic developments, and a special section on law and institutional reform. The report includes the complete financial statements, a statistical annex, and appendixes.
This brief assesses the economic impact of SARS in a number of East and Southeast Asian economies and explores short-term economic impact of SARS as well as channels through which the Impact of SARS is felt.
The 2002 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management, and funding. The report also contains chapters on regional highlights, economic developments, and a special section on ADB's role in Afghanistan. The report includes the complete financial statements, a statistical annex, and appendixes.
The 2001 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management, and funding. The report also contains chapters on regional highlights, economic developments, and a special section on regional cooperation. The report includes the complete financial statements, a statistical annex, and appendixes.
The 2000 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management, and funding. The report also contains chapters on regional highlights, economic developments, and a special section on child development. The report includes the complete financial statements, a statistical annex, and appendixes.
The 1999 Annual Report of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors reviews ADB's operations, projects, internal administration, financial management, and funding. The report also contains chapters on regional highlights, economic developments, and a special section on water in the 21st century. The report includes the complete financial statements, a statistical annex, and appendixes.