Publications and Documents
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Strategies that outline how an ADB-defined region or subregion in Asia and the Pacific can work together to foster economic growth and cooperation.
The Greater Mekong Subregion COVID-19 Response and Recovery Plan 2021–2023 complements the national recovery plans of the GMS countries, which aims to facilitate regional cross-border cooperation.
The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS-2030) aims to strengthen regional cooperation and integration and ensure a robust recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
The Pacific regional operations business plan (ROBP), 2021–2023 sets out the regional cooperation and integration (RCI) activities ADB in its 14 Pacific developing member countries (DMCs), which are all classified as small island developing states (SIDS).
The ROBP builds on the commitment of ADB’s Strategy 2030 to RCI as an operational priority that helps DMCs move faster and more effectively toward sustainable development outcomes. Three strategic directions guide the implementation of ADB’s RCI programming: greater and higher-quality connectivity, expanded global and regional trade and investment opportunities, and increased and diversified regional public goods.
This report reflects the changes in the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Program’s operational plan for the period 2016–2025, in particular on priority projects resulting from a rigorous vetting process.
This Pacific regional operations business plan describes the regional cooperation and integration (RCI) activities of ADB in the Pacific. It complements the individual country operations business plans (COBPs) for Fiji and Papua New Guinea, and the combined COBP for 11 small Pacific island countries.
The ROBP is consistent with ADB’s Strategy 2030, which commits ADB to prioritizing support for the poorest and most vulnerable countries, including small island developing states, and directly supports the operational priority of fostering RCI. The ROBP supports Strategy 2030's commitment to increase support for regional public goods and collective actions to mitigate cross-border risks pertaining to climate change, environmental pollution, energy and water security, and communicable and infectious diseases.
This new energy strategy for the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) program aims to achieve a reliable, sustainable, resilient and reformed energy market by 2030.
This publication discusses how the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program (CAREC) can enhance trade by addressing key challenges, including poor market access, limited economic diversification, and weak institutions for trade.
This Pacific regional operations business plan outlines ADB’s regional cooperation and integration activities in the Pacific; it is consistent with, although inevitably only a subset of, ADB’s broader engagement with Pacific countries as set out in country operations business plans for Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and for the 11 small Pacific island countries combined.
This overview of the GMS Regional Investment Framework 2022 covers a pipeline of priority projects that include 143 investment projects requiring $65.7 billion and 84 technical assistance projects requiring $295 million.
Kế hoạch Hành động Hà Nội giai đoạn 2018–2022 phản ánh định hướng và trọng tâm hoạt động của Chương trình GMS cho 5 năm còn lại của Khung chiến lược GMS giai đoạn 2012–2022.