Anticorruption and Integrity

Underpinned by ADB's zero tolerance for corruption, the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity aligns with ADB’s commitment to strengthen governance across Asia and the Pacific as it mitigates integrity risks, investigates integrity violations, and promotes integrity among ADB’s stakeholders.

Report Integrity Violations

OAI serves as the initial point of contact for all allegations of integrity violations. These are:

Corrupt practice

Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting—directly or indirectly—anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party.

Examples: Illicit payments in exchange for contract awards, kickbacks in exchange for approvals from project officials or supervision consultants

Fraudulent practice

Any act or omission, including misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit, or to avoid an obligation.

Examples: False declarations in a bid submission, e.g. no pending litigation or arbitration, no conflict of interest, false education credentials and/or work experience in an expert’s CV, falsified or tampered supporting documents

Coercive practice

Impairing or harming or threatening to impair or harm—directly or indirectly—any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party.

Examples: A party physically prevents another party from submitting a bid, threatening a competing firm so they do not submit a bid

Collusive practice

An arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including influencing improperly the actions of another party.

Examples: Bid-rigging, favored bidders


Theft, waste, or improper use of assets related to Asian Development Bank-related activity—either committed intentionally or through reckless disregard of the outcome.

Examples: Personal use of cars procured for ADB-financed projects

Conflict of interest

Any situation where a party has interests that could improperly influence that party’s performance of official duties or responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Examples: Bids submitted for the same contract by two related firms, bid submitted by a firm that is related to an individual involved in the procurement

Obstructive practice

Includes (i) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing a material evidence; (ii) making false statements to impede an investigation; (iii) failing to provide requested information; (iv) threatening, harassing, or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to an investigation; or (v) materially impeding ADB’s contractual rights of audit or inspection of information.

Examples: Failure to respond to OAI’s requests for information, responding to OAI’s inquiries with false information

Violations of ADB sanctions

Attempting to or participating in an ADB-financed, -administered, or -supported activity while debarred, or entering into a contract variation without OAI’s endorsement.

Examples: Bid submitted by a firm for an ADB-financed contract while debarred by ADB, bid submitted by a firm for an ADB-financed contract while under temporary suspension by ADB

Retaliation against whistleblowers or witnesses

Any detrimental act, direct or indirect, recommended, threatened or taken against a whistleblower or witness; or a person associated with a whistleblower or witness or otherwise, in a manner material to the complaint because of a report to, or cooperation with an ADB assessment or investigation concerning any form of suspected violation or misconduct.

Reports of suspected retaliation committed by external parties in an ADB-related activity and in violation of ADB's Anticorruption Policy, and requests for relief, should be submitted to OAI.

Other violations

Other violations of ADB’s Anticorruption Policy, including failure to adhere to the highest ethical standards.

In general, OAI does not assess the following types of complaints:

  • Complaints that do not relate to ADB-financed, -administered, or -supported activity.
  • Complaints of misconduct relating to bullying and harassment, which are reviewed by ADB’s Office of Professional Ethics and Conduct in the first instance.
  • Procurement-related complaints, such as concerns regarding tender requirements and objections to the results of a technical evaluation, which are addressed by ADB’s Procurement, Portfolio, and Financial Management Department.
  • Concerns regarding the negative effects of an ADB-financed project and non-compliance to ADB operational policies and procedures, which are addressed by ADB’s Accountability Mechanism.
  • Scams using ADB’s name unless it is a known entity. Refer to OAI Advisories.

To ensure integrity of your complaint and maintain confidentiality, we recommend that your complaint is filed directly with OAI, without copy to others, through one of the following methods:


Online Complaint form
Submit an Online Complaint

Telephone (Direct access to OAI)
Call +63 2 8632 5004

Note: This is not a 24/7 manned phone line, callers outside normal business hours may leave a message. This is not a toll-free number, and normal local or long-distance telephone charges will apply.

Send a fax to +63 2 8636 2152.

Note: This is not a toll-free number, and normal local or long-distance telephone charges will apply.

Adress to:

Office of Anticorruption and Integrity
Asian Development Bank
6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550
Metro Manila, Philippines

OAI’s working language is English. You may submit your complaint in any of the official or national languages of ADB's developing member countries; however please note that review of such complaints will require additional time for translation.

You should provide us with the following information:

  • Related ADB activity - If your complaint relates to an integrity violation in an ADB project, identify the project (e.g., Loan XXXXX). You may also include the specific contract details, if known (e.g., Contract No. XXXXX).
  • Persons, entities involved - Indicate the names, designations, and contact information of the individuals and entities who committed the integrity violation, including their affiliation, if known.
  • Integrity violation - Identify what integrity violation occurred and describe how it happened. Account for all relevant details that are known to you. You may check the integrity violations and the examples listed under “What can I report to OAI?” reference.
  • Time and place - Provide the dates, times and addresses when and where the integrity violation occurred.
  • Supporting evidence - Along with your complaint, send evidence to support your allegations. If you are sending emails as evidence, we request that you send the original emails as an attachment. If your evidence is in a language other than English, we also request that you provide English translations as attachment when possible.

Good faith reporting

OAI accepts all complaints reported in good faith, regardless of their source.

OAI takes false and/or malicious allegations seriously. Any person who falsely and/or maliciously reports an integrity violation may be subject to remedial action.


You may request that your name be kept confidential. OAI takes reasonable measures to retain investigative information and records under adequate controls to ensure security and confidentiality. OAI shares confidential information with relevant parties only under limited circumstances.


When reporting an integrity violation, you may remain anonymous. However, we request that you provide us with contact information so we may reach you for clarification or for further information.


Retaliation is any detrimental act, direct or indirect, recommended, threatened or taken against a whistleblower or witness, or person associated with a whistleblower or witness, in a manner material to a complaint because of the report or cooperation with an ADB investigation by the whistleblower or witness.

If you feel that you have been subject to retaliation as a consequence of reporting an integrity violation or for cooperating with an OAI investigation, please report this concern to OAI immediately.

See ADB’s Administrative Order 2.10 - Whistleblower and Witness Protection for more information.

Once registered, OAI assigns each complaint a case number. This case number should be referred to in all further case-related correspondence with OAI.

OAI reviews all complaints against the following complaints assessment criteria to determine whether further investigation is warranted:

Complaints assessment criteria

  • Mandate - The complaint should relate to activities that OAI is authorized to investigate.
  • Credibility - There should be reasonable possibility that a violation occurred.
  • Verifiability - Practical options are available to obtain sufficient evidence in determining the truth of the allegations on the balance of probabilities. Please note that OAI independently verifies all information and evidence provided to it.
  • Materiality - The matter is of sufficient importance to justify the projected requirements of the investigation and any remedial action.
  • Other Considerations - If the complaint meets the above criteria but other relevant considerations exist (e.g. the matter may be effectively addressed through other options available to ADB, including appropriate remedial actions), OAI will close the complaint.

If an alleged integrity violation in ADB-related activities meets the first four criteria and there are no existing considerations to justify the complaint’s closure, OAI will convert the complaint into an investigation.

If the allegation does not meet the complaints assessment criteria, OAI will close the complaint and, if appropriate, refer the matter to another ADB department.

Whistleblowers and witnesses are vital in the fight against integrity violations. As such, ADB protects the identity of whistleblowers and witnesses acting in good faith to ensure that they are not subject to retaliation.

The Whistleblower and Witness Protection administrative order (AO) sets out protections afforded to whistleblowers and witnesses. Read the AO 2.10 on Whistleblower and Witness Protection.

In general:

  • Reports of any suspected integrity violation should be submitted to the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI);
  • Reports of suspected other misconduct, including bullying and harassment, should be submitted to the Office of Professional Ethics and Conduct (OPEC);
  • Reports of suspected retaliation committed by external parties in an ADB-related activity and in violation of ADB's Anticorruption Policy, and requests for relief, should be submitted to OAI; and
  • Reports of suspected retaliation by ADB staff and requests for relief should be submitted to OPEC.

Contact OAI

E-mail (Integrity)
E-mail (Anticorruption)
+63 2 8632 5004
+63 2 8636 2152
Please mark correspondence Confidential:
Office of Anticorruption and Integrity
Asian Development Bank
6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550
Metro Manila, Philippines

Contact OPEC

+63 2 8632 4088
+63 2 8590 7990 (Anonymous phone line)

ADB's Code of Conduct provides its staff with guidance on adhering at all times to the highest standards of integrity, as well as ethical and respectful conduct. It supports the right of staff to work in an environment free from inappropriate behavior, misconduct, harassment, and bullying. 

The Code of Conduct applies to the following: 

  • All ADB staff
  • Anyone who has signed a letter of appointment or other agreement to join ADB
  • Former ADB staff
  • Anyone whose letter of appointment, contract, renewal or other agreement requires that they comply with the Code of Conduct or any part of it. 

"Every staff member should act in a manner that is consistent with the code in all matters relating to ADB. Staff are expected to conform with the requirements of the code, to avoid conflicts of interest and to bear in mind their responsibility as representatives of ADB." - Former ADB President Takehiko Nakao in a letter to staff, 31 March 2017

Since its establishment, ADB has been committed to a culture of integrity, responsibility, accountability and mutual respect. While these principles remain constant, the Code of Conduct is occasionally updated to improve on clarity, to respond to staff concerns, and to ensure it continues to reflect best practice. 

The Office of Professional Ethics and Conduct receives, manages, and tracks inquiries and referrals from persons covered by the ADB’s Code of Conduct via various internal channels of communication. External parties are also invited to contact OPEC in relation to any breach of the ADB’s Code of Conduct by an ADB staff member or persons referred above directly to OPEC by emailing: [email protected] or phone +63 2 8632 4088.

Read ADB's Administrative Order 2.02 - Code of Conduct.

Complaint Form

To report integrity violations, please provide as much information and detail as possible, including who, what, when, where, why, and how. For example:

  • Who do you think committed the integrity violation? Who else might have been involved?
  • What happened? Describe the events fully and using as much relevant detail as possible.
  • When did it happen? Provide dates, time, and how many times.
  • Where did it happen? Include the city and country, and, if possible, the actual address, the name of the building, and the office number.
  • How does your allegation relate to ADB business? Was ADB staff involved?

If you have documents, photographs, or other physical and/or digital evidence of the alleged integrity violation, please send that information to OAI, via the Supporting Documents section below.

Contact Information
Allegations may be reported with attribution or anonymously. We encourage you, though, to provide us with some contact information so we may communicate with you. We assure you that all the information you will provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Complaint Details
Who is involved?
When and where did it happen?
For multiple documents, please upload a zip or tar file.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
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