Respectful Workplace

ADB is committed to fostering a professional and positive workplace where everyone, irrespective of their position in the organization, is treated with mutual respect, dignity, and trust.

Our Vision

ADB strives to offer a work environment where everyone can thrive, feel valued, respected and included. ADB is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace characterized by mutual trust, which is one of the ADB’s values.

Staff Code of Conduct

ADB’s Code of Conduct emphasizes that all staff have a shared responsibility to foster a professional and positive work environment.

The Code promotes a respectful, diverse and inclusive work environment. It requires all staff to adhere to the highest ethical standards and to conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their status as employees of an international organization. The Code further requires all staff to discharge their professional duties in a manner that exhibits transparency, integrity, accountability, efficiency and high standards of performance.

Addressing Workplace Concerns

ADB encourages the timely and effective resolution of workplace issues and concerns through a wide range of informal and formal resources. We encourage our employees to raise their issues by discussing workplace issues openly with their colleague(s) through dialogue, their supervisor, manager or HR Business Partner. As needed, they may also seek guidance and support from any other workplace resources and/or report suspected misconduct including harassment, discrimination, retaliation, fraud and corruption. ADB will take immediate and appropriate action to address workplace concerns or other violations of ADB policies.

Office of the Ombudsperson

Office of the Ombudsperson

The Office of the Ombudsperson is a strictly confidential and off-the-record resource, providing neutral, informal and independent consultation, facilitation, conflict prevention and management services to the ADB community. The Ombudsperson has no duty or obligation to report any matters. Instead, he helps to analyze problems and makes recommendations for the improvement of the overall working environment in ADB.

Workplace Mediation

Workplace Mediation

Workplace Mediation is a service by the Office of Professional Ethics and Conduct (OPEC), providing a confidential, impartial, voluntary, and flexible resolution process for ADB staff to address and resolve workplace concerns with the support of a neutral and independent mediator. OPEC has a roster of 14 mediators located in Asia, the Pacific, and Europe.

Staff Council

Staff Council

The Staff Council safeguards the rights and welfare of the members of the Staff Association and works with ADB Management to review and enhance policies on compensation and benefits, talent management, as well as measures for achieving improved work-life-balance. It also advocates for equal opportunities and promotes institutional policies on diversity and inclusion, while recognizing the significance of having a safe work environment. The Council has a Legal Advisor providing advice to staff on procedural, legal and administrative matters.

Care Peer Support

CARE Peer Support

The CARE Peer Supporters is an informal peer support network composed of ADB employees serving at Headquarters and in Resident Missions, providing support to other staff and related personnel facing disrespectful behaviors and work-related stress. Peers are selected and trained by the Office of Professional Ethics and Conduct (OPEC).

Office of Professional Conduct

Office of Professional Ethics and Conduct (OPEC)

The Office of Professional Ethics and Conduct (OPEC) assists ADB in upholding high standards of professional competence, conduct, and ethical practices of ADB and ADB Institute employees, and advises on the application of ADB's Code of Conduct. OPEC also makes recommendations to ADB Management, facilitates the resolution of workplace concerns, and promotes awareness of the Code through outreach and training activities. Persons reporting concerns or cooperating with OPEC are protected by ADB’s Whistleblower and Witness Protection policy.

Office of Anticorruption & Integrity

Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI)

The Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI) manages and mitigates integrity risks, investigates integrity violations, and promotes integrity among ADB’s stakeholders. It also conducts workplace investigations upon referral from the Office of Professional Ethics and Conduct (OPEC). Persons reporting concerns or cooperating with OAI are protected by ADB’s Whistleblower and Witness Protection policy.

Disciplinary Measures

Disciplinary Measures

Under Administrative Order 2.04: Disciplinary Procedures and Measures, the Budget, People, and Management Systems Department (BPMSD), is responsible for overseeing the review and decision-making process for imposing disciplinary measures against a staff who is found to have committed misconduct or contravened ADB’s policies or procedures, after an investigation of the matter by OAI and after affording the staff concerned the opportunity to state his/her case.

Disciplinary Measures

Protection from Retaliation

ADB protects whistleblowers and witnesses acting in good faith from any form of retaliation with its Whistleblower and Witness Protection Policy (which also covers external parties), in place to protect all those who report suspected misconduct to OPEC or integrity violations to OAI. Upon preliminary assessment and where necessary, ADB can provide interim protective measures to whistleblowers and witnesses before, during the course of, and pursuant to an assessment or investigation to safeguard their safety and well-being.

Administrative Review

Administrative Review

Staff can seek administrative review of decisions that are alleged to contravene his or her employment contract or terms of appointment, including decisions pertaining to benefits or work/career at ADB. He or she may file a request for administrative review by the Budget, People, and Management Systems Department (BPMSD) under Administrative Order 2.06: Administrative Review and Appeal Procedures. Administrative review is a pre-requisite before submitting an Appeal to the Appeals Committee, except in cases of disciplinary measures.

Appeals Committee

Appeals Committee

The Appeals Committee is the second stage of the formal dispute resolution process at ADB. Staff may submit an appeal under Administrative Order 2.06: Administrative Review and Appeal Procedures, against a decision which has completed administrative review stage, or against a disciplinary measure imposed under Administrative Order 2.04: Disciplinary Measures and Procedures.

Administrative Tribunal

Administrative Tribunal

ADB's independent judicial body was created to hear and pass judgment upon any application by which an individual member of the Bank staff alleges non-observance of the contract of employment or terms of appointment. Staff may file an application to the Administrative Tribunal after exhausting the internal mechanisms available to them at the Bank. The Tribunal is the last stage of the formal dispute resolution process, and its judgments are final and binding upon the ADB.