Казахстан и АБР
Операции АБР в Казахстане направлены на обеспечение устойчивого восстановления экономики после пандемии, сокращение неравенства, снижение зависимости страны от экспорта сырьевых товаров, улучшение транспортных связей и решение вопросов уязвимости к изменению климата.
The annual Development Effectiveness Review assesses ADB's progress in implementing its long-term corporate results framework.
To help realize its vision of an Asia and the Pacific free of poverty, ADB is pursuing a deliberate, structured program of managing for development results.
The ADB Results Framework assesses overall development progress in Asia and the Pacific and ADB’s effectiveness in delivering development results.
ADB is pursuing a deliberate, structured program of managing for development results (MfDR). This program provides the process and tools needed to deliver optimal results and ensure transparency and accountability.