Highlights of successful ADB projects and case studies on how to achieve their targets.
Together We Deliver highlights successful ADB projects across Asia and the Pacific that demonstrated development impacts, best practice, and innovation.
Gender Case Studies provide an overview of gender issues, design features, and implementation arrangements that contribute to achieving gender-related targets in ADB projects.
ADB designs and implements projects using project-level results frameworks. See the latest data.
ADB’s Second Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project and its Additional Financing, implemented from 2009 to 2020, paved the way for major changes in Dil’s village. It also benefitted other villages across six provinces around Tonle Sap Lake, where many of Cambodia’s poorest people live.
Rapid urbanization, population growth and climate change have severely affected Tonga’s water supply, sanitation and infrastructure. The Nuku'Alofa Urban Development Sector Project helped improve water accessibility and supply in the country.
ADB is supporting Nepal’s pandemic response plan through a $250 million countercyclical support facility loan under its COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program.
Nearly half of small and medium enterprises in Kazakhstan are headed by women, but many face challenges in accessing credit. A $200 million project by ADB is helping to provide women the financing they need to expand their businesses.
An ambitious and wide-ranging project helped return a sense of normalcy to an estimated 1.1 million conflict-affected people in Sri Lanka.
Following 20 years of civil conflict, up to 50% of the 110,000 households in the coastal area of the country’s east were estimated to be poor. The conflict destroyed livelihood assets, displaced people, and eroded government institutional capacity. Females headed many fractured households due to losses of male family members.
The civil conflict had a devastating effect on infrastructure in the Northern and Eastern provinces of the country. Taking advantage of the ceasefire agreement in 2002, ADB carried out an assessment of the North-East region to determine the relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction needs of the conflict-affected areas.
Providing access to reliable safe drinking water and sanitation in the conflict-affected areas— where investment for basic infrastructure could not be made in the preceding 2 decades— was an urgent priority for the Government of Sri Lanka.
Restoring normalcy to the former conflict zone, post conflict rehabilitation and construction became a priority in the immediate aftermath of the end of the civil conflict.
The COVID-19 pandemic sparked a sharp economic downturn and rapid rise in unemployment in Bangladesh. To assist the government, ADB committed more than $2.6 billion to manage the immediate economic, social, and health-related impacts of the pandemic.
The various stages from country programming to project completion and evaluation are known collectively as ADB's project cycle.
ADB provides financing for projects that will effectively contribute to the economic and social development of the country concerned and have the strongest poverty reduction impact in conformity with the country and ADB strategies.