Integrating Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment Reporting and Case Handling into Project Grievance Redress Mechanisms: Good Practice Note for ADB-Financed Projects with Civil Works
Publication | December 2023
This note is intended to guide the Asian Development Bank (ADB), executing and implementing agencies, consultants, and contractors in setting up, adapting, and managing grievance redress mechanisms assigned to receive reports on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in ADB-financed projects with civil works.
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The proposed reporting mechanisms and case handling processes in this publication are based on good practices by international development agencies and multilateral development banks. This good practice note may be used independently but is better understood when read together with the Good Practice Note on Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment in ADB-Financed Projects with Civil Works.
- Introduction
- Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment Reporting Mechanisms for Contractors
- Preparing to Receive and Respond to Cases
- Create Awareness
- Key Points to Remember When Handling Cases
- Informing Upward and Accountability
- Deciding Which Entities Will Implement Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment Reporting and Case Handling
- Annexes
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