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  • Dealing with DisastersSerials |

    Dealing with Disasters

    Natural disasters wreak havoc without discrimination, wiping out homes, livelihoods, a country's economic gains, and often many individual lives. Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe have all been struck by catastrophes in recent years. Asia, however, has been hit hardest: 40% of the world's disasters have occurred in the region in the past decade, resulting in a disproportionate 80% of disaster deaths. And Asia's poor, lacking in resources and more vulnerable and exposed to the elements, have borne the brunt of these cataclysms.

  • Pacific Economic Monitor - February 2011Serials |

    Pacific Economic Monitor - February 2011

    The Pacific Economic Monitor provides an update of developments and policy issues in the Pacific economies.

  • Journal of Greater Mekong Subregion Development Studies (December 2010)Serials |

    Journal of Greater Mekong Subregion Development Studies (December 2010)

    This issue of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Journal of Development Studies features the outputs of four research projects funded by grants under the Research Program of the Phnom Penh Plan for Development Management (PPP).

  • Pacific Economic Monitor - December 2010Serials |

    Pacific Economic Monitor - December 2010

    The Pacific Economic Monitor provides an update of developments and policy issues in the Pacific economies.

  • News from Pakistan: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Pakistan Resident Mission of the Asian Development Bank - October 2010Serials |

    News from Pakistan: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Pakistan Resident Mission of the Asian Development Bank - October 2010

    In this issue of News from Pakistan: Extra ADB Trade Finance to Mobilize up to $2 Billion to Help Pakistan Recover from Floods; ADB and World Bank Conduct Damage and Needs Assessment; Rebuilding Smarter Amid Difficulties; The Waters Recede, Not the Woes; Fun in the Floods: A Costly Game to Children's Health; Impact of Floods on Women and Children; Making a Difference in Women's Lives: ADB's Support to Implement Gender Reform Action Plans; Asian Chief Justices, Judges Propose Network to Promote Environment Justice; Public-Private Partnerships Can Unlock Central Asia's Vast Potential - ADB

  • Lighting the FutureSerials |

    Lighting the Future

    If one question could threaten Asia's dynamic growth and impressive gains in poverty reduction in recent decades, it is the region's energy supply. The complex issues that encompass energy security are vital for ensuring a region's economic growth.

    It is not just a matter of maintaining the supply of energy that Asia needs to fuel its growth. The region must also navigate the treacherous waters of conflict and cooperation when it comes to accessing energy resources. On top of these challenges lie the energy implications of climate change: many now believe that the cheapest, most abundant fuels - such as coal - can no longer be the primary sources of energy for the region. Asia must take the lead in supplying and consuming cleaner, renewable energy.

  • Pacific Economic Monitor - July 2010Serials |

    Pacific Economic Monitor - July 2010

    The Pacific Economic Monitor provides an update of developments and policy issues in the Pacific economies.

  • A Growing HungerSerials |

    A Growing Hunger

    Perhaps no issue casts a harsher light on social inequities than the growing number of people who go hungry everyday.

    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), more people go hungry in the world today than at any time since 1970. An estimated 1.02 billion people were undernourished worldwide in 2009, 642 million of whom lived in Asia and the Pacific, the FAO reports.

    Access to food - or food security - has become an issue that no one can ignore; the lives of millions and the stability of governments depend on shrewd management of food supplies. As the riots and hoarding during the food crisis in 2008 have shown, the mere mention of a shortage is enough to destabilize markets and even governments.

  • News from Pakistan: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Pakistan Resident Mission of the Asian Development Bank - May 2010Serials |

    News from Pakistan: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Pakistan Resident Mission of the Asian Development Bank - May 2010

    In this issue of News from Pakistan: Pakistan Needs Fiscal Improvement To Recover in 2010, Says ADO; Economic Prospects and Challenges for Developing Asia; Micro Credits, Macro Benefits

  • Urban Planning LaboratorySerials |

    Urban Planning Laboratory

    The rise of Asia's megacities is the upshot of robust economic growth in the region. In turn, the expansion of these centers of industry and commerce is fueling further growth, opening more opportunities for business and employment.

    With six out of 10 of the world's largest cities in Asia - and eight out of 10 of the most densely populated - the continent will be the world's de facto laboratory for urban planning.

    Yet urbanization does not mean prosperity for all. A great disparity between the rich and the poor - not just in terms of income but also in living conditions - persists. Asia accounts for some 60% of the world's urban slum residents.

Displaying 71 - 80 of 134

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