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    Sociocultural Issues and Economic Development in the Pacific Islands

    Pacific island countries are generally high-cost economies. Wages are well in excess of productivity; at the same time, the purchasing power of wages in the Pacific is low, reflecting the impact of transport costs and small markets.

    Massive levels of overseas emigration from countries such as Tonga, Samoa, and Cook Islands, and rapid rates of rural-to-urban migration in other Pacific island countries demonstrate a widespread dissatisfaction with rural living conditions and services. The level of political development and the lack of institutional capacity have posed obstacles to the pursuit of clear and consistent policies and the establishment of effective public information and accountability.

  • Serials |

    Strategy for the Pacific: Policies and Programs for Sustained Growth

    This paper sets out the strategy for ADB operations in the Pacific region and is being published to help generate a better understanding of the role it plays in the Pacific.

  • Serials |

    Fiji Agriculture Sector Review: A Strategy for Growth and Diversification

    This book is part of ADB's Pacific studies series and reviews the performance of Fiji's agriculture sector over the past decade. It suggests a new strategy for growth and diversification in light of recent trade developments, giving the private sector a bigger role.

    The printed version of this publication is out of print. Please contact the Publications Unit for more information.

  • Serials |

    Human Resource Development: Small Pacific Island Countries

    The book is designed to provide a basis for discussion between governments and donor community on policies, plans, and programs for human resource development in small Pacific island countries. It raises critical issues and proposes possible strategies and interventions requiring further consideration by governments. A special chapter discusses the women-in-development situation in selected Pacific countries.

Displaying 131 - 134 of 134

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