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This issue of the Pacific Economic Monitor analyzes 2013 budget outcomes and 2014 budget plans of ADB's Pacific developing member countries.
This issue introduces a systematic approach to climate risk screening being applied to ADB projects in South Asian countries.
This issue of Development Asia discusses the post-2015 development agenda and its implications for Asia and the Pacific.
This issue highlights the visit of ADB's Vice-President in Pakistan and ADB's trade finance program helps the country's power sector.
ADB is one of the major development partners supporting Nepal's school education reforms through various assistance such as Primary Education Development Project (1991-2000), Secondary Education Support Program (2002-2010), and Teacher Education Project (2001-2009). Since 2006, ADB has adopted the sector-wide approach (SWAp) through the Education Support Cluster Programs and the School Sector Program to support the government's Education for All and School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP), respectively. In doing so, the key focus of ADB has been on the implementation of key policy reforms and actions to realize the objectives and outcomes in the areas of access and equity, efficiency and quality, and institutional capacity building set forth in the SSRP.
This edition of the Pacific Economic Monitor updates 2013 and 2014 GDP growth and inflation projections for ADB's Pacific developing member countries. The theme of the policy briefs included in this issue is regional cooperation and integration.
ADB assistance to the sector reached $788.89 million as of 31 December 2012 or about 28% of the total assistance during the period.
Development Asia examines Asia's widening inequality from many different perspectives. It looks at the role of globalization in producing inequality, and considers the disputed relationship between inequality and economic growth.
This ADB study examined the economic costs associated with the impacts of climate change, and the cost and benefits of adaptation in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
This edition of the Pacific Economic Monitor discusses 2013 and 2014 GDP growth and inflation projections for ADB's Pacific developing member countries. The theme of the policy briefs included in this issue is energy in the Pacific.
FindingsEconomic growth in the Pacific moderated to 7.3% in 2012, from a post-crisis high of 8.3% recorded in the previous year. This regional trend was driven primarily by the performance of the region's larger, natural resource-extracting, economies. Growth is seen to moderate further in 2013, before picking up in 2014.