Funds and Resources

ADB offers loans, grants, and technical assistance from Special Funds, Trust Funds, and other sources to help reduce poverty in Asia’s poorest countries.

Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance

What is the fund?

The fund is a single-donor trust fund established in 2000 to finance technical assistance operations in ADB’s developing member countries (DMCs).

What are the priorities?

Sectors supported by the fund are energy (renewable energy), urban development, water and sanitation, flood management, financial sector and transport, particularly railways.  

What kind of activities will be financed from the fund?

Activities such as project preparation, advisory services and project implementation will be financed from the fund.

Who is eligible to receive the grant?

Assistance from the fund is available to developing member countries of ADB and regional institutions operating in such countries.

Who supports the fund?

Spain supports the fund.