Summary of Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors

Institutional Document | July 2016

This document summarizes the proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the ADB Board of Governors, held in Frankfurt, Germany from 2 to 5 May 2016.

The Honorable Gerd Műller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, and His Excellency, Horst Köhler, former Federal President of Germany, addressed the opening session on 3 May 2016, preceded by the President of the Asian Development Bank, Mr. Takehiko Nakao.

The Governor for Germany, the Honorable Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, chaired the Meeting. The Governor for Bangladesh, the Honorable Abul Maal A. Muhith, and the Alternate Governor for Timor-Leste, Mr. Helder Lopes, served as Vice-Chairs.


  • Introductory Note
  • Schedule of Meeting
  • Opening Session
    • Opening Address by the President of ADB
    • Opening Address by the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany
    • Opening Address by the Former Federal President of Germany
  • Business Sessions
    • Provisions Relating to Conduct of Meeting
    • Agenda
    • Procedures Committee
    • Resolutions Adopted at the Meeting
    • Governors' Statements
    • Closing Address by the President of ADB
  • Participants
    • Delegations
    • Observers
    • Board of Directors
    • ADB Principal Officers and Senior Staff

Additional Details

  • ADB administration and governance
  • ADB annual meetings and annual reports
  • 222
  • 8.5 x 11

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